Christian herald et les signes de notre temps . ort avec la fidélité et la prière, et le succès est certain. * FILLES KIMIS EN ANGLETERRE. Une série de titres aristocratiques figure dans la liste des dames qui forment le ExecutiveCouncil des Rois filles à travers l'Atlantique. Parmi eux : La duchesse de Bedford; La comtesse d'Aberdeen; la vis-countess Lymfflgton; Lady Mount-Temple;Lady Edith Ashley et Lady Hobart-Hampden.Ces dames sont déjà bien connues dans Eng-land pour leur inideur et leur intérêt dans tous les mouvements qui ont pour son objet d'alléger le fardeau de leur sœur pauvre
1643 x 1521 px | 27,8 x 25,8 cm | 11 x 10,1 inches | 150dpi
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Christian herald and signs of our times . ort with faithand prayer, and success is certain. * KIMis DAUGHTERS IN ENGLAND. Quite an array of aristocratic titles figure inthe list of the ladies who form the ExecutiveCouncil of the Kings Daughters across theAtlantic. Among them are : The Duchess ofBedford; The Countess of Aberdeen; The Vis-countess Lymfflgton; Lady Mount-Temple;Lady Edith Ashley and Lady Hobart-Hampden.These ladies are already well-known in Eng-land for their kindliness and their interest inevery movement which has for its object thealleviation of the burdens of their poor sisters.They are doubly welcome i:i any philanthropicorganization because they not only help withtheir money and personal labor, but theiimembership attracts other ladies, who like tobe associated with titled dames in any enter-prise. While it will not be well for the Orderto become a mere fashionable whim in Englandor anywhere else, we are glad to see theseladies of high station identifying themselveswith it. They will learn what the reproach. THE MEETING-PLACE OV THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. of the Cross means when they wear the em-blem of the Order in some of the places theyfrequent. That they will have the courage tobear it we have no doubt and it may be thatin some of those aristocratic circles some bur-dened heart, seeing the emblem, may be led togo to the wearer for eounsel and help. Thereare more such hearts in need of both in thosecircles than is generally supposed. EPWORTH LEAGUERS ON VACATION. Words of timely counsel are given to mem-bers of the Epworth League who are startingon their annual vacation, by a writer in theChristian Advocate, and as they may be use-ful to members of other orders and membersof churches generally, we are glad to give thema wider publicity. They are as follows: The genuine Epworth Leaguer is the sameon vacation that he is at home. Especiallybecause Christ is always present. He does thethings that please and avoids the things thatgrieve the