. Journal de chemin de fer de la rue . voies ferrées reet. La maison de puissance, étant le point vital du système, devrait être en charge d'un homme qui a une tête claire, whois formé mécaniquement et sait comment prendre soin de la themachinery et garder les chaudières propres, afin d'obtenir themost des résultats économiques des opérations; Un qui est capable 24 STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL [vol XVIIIL No. I. de donner l'attention à chaque détail; qui sait comment muchservice il peut obtenir d'une livre de charbon; quand arisesil doit être en mesure de prendre soin de la situation et ne peut pas dépouvoir la route. La détérioration devient rapide et extrava
1276 x 1959 px | 21,6 x 33,2 cm | 8,5 x 13,1 inches | 150dpi
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. The Street railway journal . reet rail-ways. The power house, being the vital point of the system, should be in charge of a man who has a clear head, whois trained mechanically and knows how to take care of themachinery and keep the boilers clean, so as to obtain themost economical results of operations; one who is capable 24 STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL [Vol. XVIIL No. i. of giving attention to every detail; who knows how muchservice he can get from a pound of coal; when trouble ariseshe should be able to take care of the situation and not dis-able the road. Deterioration becomes rapid and extrava-gance runs rampant in a power house which is improperlygoverned. Finally, remove all sinecures from the system, as theyare the bacilli which tend to eat up the profits of the com-pany. These methods have been successful at Syracuse. ■ Car Construction in Detroit T. Farmer, superintendent of machinery for the LTnitedRailway, of Detroit, has under construction in the shopsof that company a number of ten-bench open cars, which. The step supports, which are bolted to the sills, are madevery heavy, and the guard behind the step, instead of beingmade of light wood, is a strip of f-in. iron, which is in-tended to help out the channel iron sills in acting as a truss.The construction of the ends is easily seen. The dash isflush with the end of the platform. The cars are singleenders, made to be operated only one way, as is the uni-versal practice in Detroit. The standard closed car on this road is one having a 6-ft.platform on the rear of the car for carrying a large stand-ing load of passengers who do not wish to go inside. Toprevent this standing load from interfering with the exitof passengers from the closed part a passageway is shut offby an iron railing from the balance of the platform. Totake care of the long overhang the supporting timbers ofthe platform are run forward to the third cross sill. Motor armatures on this road are all put in a testing field