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'The Derby Day(?) - Another False Start', 1858. This cartoon shows Palmerston in the background, dismounted from his horse, 'Despatch', having been despatched from the premiership. In the foreground, Lord Derby, makes an eager start to his second term in office. The question mark in parentheses in the title refers to Derby's first government in 1852 generally called the 'Who? Who? Ministry'. This was because in 1852 many of the new Cabinet were given high office for the first time. The very deaf Duke of Wellington would ask 'Who?' after every new introduction. This 1858 minority government would last just one year. To the right, we see the shadowy figure of Disraeli, who had maybe thought he might have been in line to lead the Conservatives if Palmerston's government had not fallen so suddenly and unexpectedly. From Punch, or the London Charivari, May 22, 1858.