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Lady Archer, the wife of disgraced peer Lord Archer, arrives at an employment tribunal at Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk, for the second day of a hearing where her former personal assistant, Jane Williams, is claiming that she was unfairly dismissed. * Ms Williams worked at the Archers' home between 1988 and 2001. 30/06/03 Lady Archer told the High Court, of the lengths she went to in a bid to try to keep her face-lift a secret. The 58-year-old wife of jailed peer Jeffrey Archer told Mr Justice Jackson in London that she did not even tell her sister. In what is thought to be her first public comment on the surgery she was reported to have undergone in New York in 1997 and 1998, she accused former secretary, Jane Williams, as being the source of the February 2002 story in the Sunday Mirror. She is claiming damages and a permanent injunction against Ms Williams, her personal assistant for 13 years until her dismissal in November 2001, for alleged breach of confidence.
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