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Diagram of the Federal Government and American Union by N. Mendal Shafer, attorney and counseller at law, office no. 5 Masonic Temple, Cincinnati. Print shows the outline of 42 states and Indian Territory, a Civil War battle scene, and Liberty holding U.S. flag and sword riding on the back of an eagle, Lincoln and his cabinet (the secretaries linked to images of the Army, Navy, Treasury, Interior, P.O. Dept., and State Department) representing the Executive branch, the Senate and the House of Representatives representing the Legislative branch, and the Supreme Court representing the Judicial branch of the federal government. Also, cameo portraits of The seven builders and leading spirits of the revolution.. Date c1862 July 15. Diagram of the Federal Government and American Union by N. Mendal Shafer, attorney and counseller at law, office no. 5 Masonic Temple, Cincinnati. Print shows the outline of 42 states and Indian Territory, a Civil War battle scene, and Liberty holding U.S. flag and sword riding on the back of an eagle, Lincoln and his cabinet (the secretaries linked to images of the Army, Navy, Treasury, Interior, P.O. Dept., and State Department) representing the Executive branch, the Senate and the House of Representatives representing the Legislative branch, and the Supreme Court representing the Judicial branch of the federal government. Also, cameo portraits of The seven builders and leading spirits of the revolution.. Date c1862 July 15. Date:
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