3732 x 5558 px | 31,6 x 47,1 cm | 12,4 x 18,5 inches | 300dpi
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Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
Romania, East. Artist/engraver/cartographer: John Bartholomew & Son. Provenance: "The Citizen's Atlas of the World"; by John Bartholomew, Published by John Bartholomew & Son Limited, London: 9th Edition. Type: Vintage colour atlas map. The pre 1940 border with Bulgaria is indicated on the map by a dotted line. The Treaty of Craiova (Bulgarian: Крайовска спогодба; Romanian: Tratatul de la Craiova) was signed on 7 September 1940 between the Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Romania. Under the terms of this treaty, Romania returned the southern part of Dobruja (the Cadrilater or "Quadrilateral" in Romanian) to Bulgaria and agreed to participate in organizing a population exchange. The treaty was approved by Germany, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, Italy, the United States, and France.