18 AVRIL 1896 50e Rue et l'adresse Avenue Lancaster Philadelphie Etats-unis WASHINGTON IRON WORKS COMPANY 'GLOBE' gaz de moteur à essence pour l'arrêt et QU'EST DANS UN NOM ?. Selle WHITMAN CO. 8 Chambers St. New York LA N EiTH NI PRIESTMAN & COMPANY.litc. 530 Construction VANDUZEN TEArm Bourse de Philadelphie POMPE LE MEILLEUR DANS L'âme tout type de pompes à liquide. se fige. Chaque garantie de la pompe. 10 tailles. 200 à 12 000 gallons par heure. L'E. W. YANDUZEN CO. 102 à 108 E. Deuxième Fleuve Cincinnati 0. L'huile. DOUBLE ALIMENTATION AUTOMATIQUE DE SÉCURITÉ . . . Maneton OILER. Y Ma Typewrit r l'intérêt des améliorations
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APRIL 18 1896 Address 50th Street and Lancaster Avenue PHILADELPHIA U. S. A. PENNSYLVANIA IRON WORKS COMPANY 'GLOBE' GAS GASOLINE ENGINES for Stationary and WHAT'S IN A NAME?_. WHITMAN SADDLE CO. 8 Chambers St. New York THE N EiTH NOR PRIESTMAN & COMPANY.litc. 530 Bourse Building Philadelphia VANDUZEN TEArm PUMP THE BEST IN THE SOUL Pumps Any Kind of Liquid. freezes. Every Pump Guaranteed. 10 SIZES. 200 to 12000 Gallons per Hour. THE E. W. YANDUZEN CO. 102 to 108 E. Second St. Cincinnati 0. OIL. SAFETY AUTOMATIC DOUBLE FEED . . . CRANK PIN OILER. Ma y Typewrit r Improvements interest the novice but excite the scorn of the expert. Remington Sta dart Ty writer Real—real to the experienced operator as well as attractive to the novice. A dcvelopement —not an experiment. FACTS PROVE IT Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict N. Y. CAMERA EXCHANGE 60% Saved on all makes of Cameras N. Y. CAMERA EXCHANGE 43 Fulton St. NEW YORK. 'My Well and what came out of it.' “Your Well and what will come out of it.' Pohle Air Lift Pump The Ingersoll-Sergeant kill Co. Havemeyer Building 26 Cortlandt Street New York. Motors Dynamos WE MANUFACTURE ALL SIZES FOR ALL PURPOSES LOWEST PRICES. CARD ELECTRIC MOTOR AND DYNAMO CO. 667 Bourse Bldg. PHILA. PA. THE DUGUID SADDLERY CO. Syracuse N. Y. icycles Gra alsimood'for$57.60 $85 'Arlington' .` $45.00 $85 ' $87.50 $30 Bleyele '$10.75 Latent models fully guaranteed; pneumatic tires; weight 17% to CashBuyers'UnIon162W.VanBurenSt.B.131Chicage THIEF PROOF METAL 8. An PEARL ST NEWYORK) PERFORATED HELL CENTRAL! BUY TELEPHONES ALC VAPOR LAUNCH. Yost Writing Machine Co. 61 Chambers St. 50 Holborn Viaduct NEW YORK CITY. LONDON ENO. rzeveRsIBLE COLLARS AND CUFFS. MADE OF FINE CLOTH IN AU. POPULAR STYLES. qu in Fit and Wear to finest line LUXURIOUS and ECONOMICAL. 'ne No.4 YOST WRITING rIACHINE You want to know about Ham mers or Nickel-Plating Outfits ? Then send for 'A Book of Tools.' GAS ENGINE WEBSTER MFG. CO. GAS and GASOLINE ENGINES. The Chicago Gas & Gasoli