1937 , 12 mars , Londres , Grande-Bretagne : l'acteur britannique JOHN GIELGUD ( futur Sir , à droite sur cette photo , 1904 - 2000 ) et le jeune dramaturge George EMLYN WILLIAMS ( 1905 - 1987 ) , Togeter a décidé d'aller en partenariat pour la présentation de Williams nouveau jeu IL EST NÉ GAY qui ouvrira bientôt à Glasgow. Gielgud a été reconnu coupable d' ' importuning persistant à des fins immorales ' ( toilette de cottaage ) dans une mâche de Chelsea en 1953 . Au lieu d'être rejeté par le public, il a reçu une ovation permanente lors de sa prochaine comparution. Le biographe Sheridan Morley écrit cela pendant que Gielgud
3668 x 4772 px | 31,1 x 40,4 cm | 12,2 x 15,9 inches | 300dpi
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1937 , 12 march , London , Great Britain : The british actor JOHN GIELGUD ( future Sir , right in this photo , 1904 - 2000 ) and young dramatist George EMLYN WILLIAMS ( 1905 - 1987 ) , togeter decided to go into partnership for the presentation of Williams new play HE WAS BORN GAY wich will open in Glasgow shortly. Gielgud was convicted of " persistently importuning for immoral purposes " ( cottaging toilet ) in a Chelsea mews in 1953 . Instead of being rejected by the public, he received a standing ovation at his next stage appearance. Biographer Sheridan Morley writes that while Gielgud never denied being gay, he always tried to be discreet about it and felt humiliated by the ordeal. Some speculate that it helped to bring to public attention a crusade to decriminalise homosexuality in England and Wales. Longtime lover Martin Hensler, 30 years his junior, died just a few months before Sir John did in 2000 . He only publicly acknowledged Hensler as his partner in 1988, in the programme notes for Best of Friends which was his final stage performance . Despite going to Hollywood to appear alongside Marlon Brando in Julius Caesar in early 1950s, Gielgud would avoid Hollywood for over a decade for fear of being denied entry because of the arrest . Williams obtain a great success with the play " The Corn is Green "(1938), partly based on his own childhood in Welsh, and also later trasposed in a celebrated movie . In addition to stage plays, Williams wrote a number of film screenplays, working with Alfred Hitchcock and other directors . Openly homosexual but married in 1935 and had a son ; his wife died in 1970 . - TEATRO - THEATER - THEATRE - attore teatrale - commediografo - drammaturgo - scandal - scandalo - GAY - omosessuale - Omosessualità - LGBT - - homosexuality - homosexual - tie - cravatta - coppia - couple ---- Archivio GBB
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