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South Carolina representative Robert B. Elliott's famous speech in favor of the Civil Rights Act, delivered in the House of Representatives on January 6, 1874, is memorialized here. The Act, which guaranteed equal treatment in all places of public accommodation to all people regardless of their nativity, race, color, or persuasion, religious or political, was passed on March 1, 1875. The central image shows Congressman Elliott speaking from the floor of the House of Representatives. Above are two Civil War scenes of black troops in action. On the left is a full-length statue of Abraham Lincoln, holding a bundle of arrows and his Emancipation Proclamation, standing before the U.S. Capitol. On the right is another statue, of Civil Rights advocate Charles Sumner holding the Bill of Civil Rights, in front of Faneuil Hall in Boston. Beneath the central scene is a view of a small farm with its black owner, family, and laborers. At the far left are two black soldiers, and on the right black sailors. Further extracts from Elliott's speech appear throughout.
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