. American ENGINEER and Railroad journal . d of adver-tising. Le plan de M. Days nous semble le plus raisonnable, le plus compréhensif et le plus efficace. Sa brochure. Les plus hautes effecités et Eco-nomy dans la publicité mécanique, nous endossons, parce qu'il contient le vrai secret des résultats. Son entreprise aura le soutien de publications honnêtes dans le domaine bis. M. Day>adresse : 263 Broadway, New York. 20 AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. Chicago & Alton Railway. CHARBON À ÉCONOMIE DE MAIN-D'ŒUVRE CHUTK9. Entraîné par le moteur à essence en règle générale, ces centrales sont exploitées par un seul homme et les frais de main-d'œuvre sont excessivement
1317 x 1896 px | 22,3 x 32,1 cm | 8,8 x 12,6 inches | 150dpi
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. American engineer and railroad journal . d of adver-tising. Mr. Days plan seems to us most sensible, comprehensiveand effective. His pamphlet. Higher Efficiences and Eco-nomy in Mechanical Advertising, we endorse, because it contains the real secret of results. His enterprise will have thecordial support of honest publications in bis field. Mr. Day>address is 263 Broadway, New York. 20 AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. Chicago & Alton Railway. LABOR-SAVING COAL CHUTK9. driven by the gasoline engine As a rule these plants are operated by one man. and the labor charges are exceedingly low. In the plan view the general arrangement is indicated. This The construction of chutes (or coaling locomotives seems to Includes two 60-ton pockets on scales, an ash bin. a sand bin, be tending toward larger pockets with sufficient capacity to a sand storage building, sand drier, coal and ash elevator and a receive the entire contents of a 40 or 50-ton ear. A number of separate sand elevator. In the corner of the plan a storat;!. J m * : ■H I JI 5 ■--- V W LIJJLI , H—L till , i * . , „V, ■ 1... 1 . , : ■ ■ ■ 1 1 , - / - J a Ji -v / , ■■_ : -> ^j>j j □ an .« / ■ t f-h Ijo - nii, So. tion Tliroutfli Pocket* Longitudinal EUvaiiou jl Fockct jln mnl toil • >! Building In BtcUon Labor-Saving Coal Chutes-Chicago & Alton Railway. chutes of this size are being built in such a way as to save, al-together, the expense of labor in handling the coal because ofIts being dropped by gravity directly from the car into the de-livery chute. By providing an inclined plane to elevate thecars, one man, with the aid of a gasoline engine, can operatethe coaling plant These chutes are very satisfactory in everyparticular but one They do not provide means for keepingaccurate accounts of the individual coal records of the locomo-tives. This is a serious defect, and the time has nine whenwc have no hesitation whatever in stating plainly that nomethod of accounti