Annonces nécessaires pour donner le numéro de l'enquête. enquête peut être répétée. MUNN & CO. LES OCCASIONS D'AFFAIRES. Enquête no 8738.-Pour la fabrication de ciment par ties de caséine. Toujours aussi thennow. Tubes de titre conseil machines brassicole. ing. matériaux machines coton 109 livres. les pompes de pression. Enquête no 8818.-voulait acheter en grandes quantités. Spécialités conseil de paille en acier trempé pour rasoirs de sûreté. Faire des brosses et des paniers. chines. et d'un restaurant. Le moteur et le pied des tours d'USINAGE OUTILS ET FOURNITURES. tenues Les meilleurs matériaux. Finition meilleure. Le catalogue gratuit
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Classified Advertisements necessary to give the number of the inquiry. inquiry may be repeated. MUNN & CO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Inquiry No. 8738.-For par ties manufacturing casein cement. still also of thennow titer tubing. board malting machines. ing materials. cotton machinery. pumps 109 lbs. pressure. Inquiry No. 8818.-Wanted to buy specialties in large quantities. straw board tempered steel for safety razors. making brushes and baskets. chines. and restaurant fixtures. Engine and Foot Lathes MACHINE SHOP OUTFITS TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. BEST MATERIALS. BEST WORKMANSHIp. CATALOGUE FREE The Perfection Wrench THE PERFECTION WRENCH CO. SPECIAL TO AUTOMOBILISTS: CONSUMERS AUTO SUPPLY CO. 1252-1254 Wabash Avenue Chicago. ills. MEDAL OF HIGHEST AWARD JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION FA STENERS dumb and finger. embalmed repeatedly and sample box of 50. assorted. Booklet free. We keep all kinds. Send your name on a postal and get our 88-page Bookies DRILLING Machines Over 70 sizes and styles for drilling either deep or on wheels or on sills. With engines or horse powers. Strong simple and durable. Any mechanic can Operate them easily. Send for catalog. .WILLIAMS BROS Ithaca N. 'Y. PATENTS FOR SALE. Pen machinery. PATENTS No. 809301 and 865044.-Sectional expand ing metal culvert. Three years on market. Well ad ritory. Wm. Isham Butternut Michigan. HELP WANTED. WANTED .-Competent foreman for modern shot year. In writing state experience and give references Winchester Repeating Arms Co. New Haven Conn. PHOTOGRAPHY. AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY-A monthly maga zine containing up-to-date information about photo number is tilled with numerous illustration s of recent pictorial photographs. Valuable to the professionlii and be-ginner. 15 cents monthly 61.50 per year. Three specimen copies for 25 cents. Am. Photographic Pub lishing Co. No. 6 Beacon Street Boston Mass. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. three designs of easily made pieces of furniture for hall den or library. Full directions for making and and Mecha