Avril 05, 2012 - la guérilla de gauche les élèves sont exposées sur le mandat d'arrestation et de s'échapper de leur chef forcé Mario Capanna qui est dit être en exil en France. Pratiquement depuis l'automne 1969 (l'automne chaud) une telle scène, tel qu'illustré ici peut être vu dans de trop nombreux intervalles réguliers. C'est toujours le ''Movimento Studentesco'' (le mouvement des étudiants) qui agit en tant qu'avant-garde politique de ''La démocratie pourrie et sale qui n'a même pas de funérailles mérite''
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Apr. 05, 2012 - Milan's left wing Guerilla students are exhibited about the warrant for arrest of and forced escape of their leader Mario Capanna who is said to be in exile in France. Practically since Autumn 1969 (The Hot Autumn) such a scene as pictured here can be seen in too many regular intervals. It's always the ''Movimento Studentesco'' (The Students Movement) that acts as political vanguard of ''A Rotten and Filthy democracy which does not even Merit Funeral''. Milan is Italy's richest town but it also the very center of painful contrasts which not only are destined to d~~~~~~~ but, on the contrary, are destined to jump - up continously. Too many poor South Italians have been flocking to Milan in search of a paid job and not all of them have managed it to find it. Wealth and Poverty march side by side. The Italians students make no secret that they are deterained to destroy poverty, but the boys too often forget that great social reforms do cost a hell of a lot of money, which a government can spend only if it has all these moneys. Add to this that according to a recent investigation, only twenty percent out of hundred percent of Italy's tax-payers are honestly willing ''To give Cesar what Caesar is entitled to get''. A great many in Italy who are full aware of their own infamous attitude versus the state, do not lose one occasion to encourage the young students in their ''just battle against that miserable government. Photo shows in Milan's via Francesco Sforza the grim fight goes on and on, without, any Mercy. Cars are overturned, old, sick and terrorized citizens are taken into hospital and later die of apoplexy. The police, anxious not to kill anyone, very reluctantly uses weapons. The man in center, visibly disgusted with all what has happened and what is happening right now, is Doctor Pagnozzi, one of the Directors of the Political Department of the Milan Police Headquarters. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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