Bildnummer : 55424965 Datum : 03.06.2011 Copyright : imago/Xinhua (110603) -- PÉKIN, 3 juin 2011 (Xinhua) -- la photo prise le 26 mai 2011 montre l'extérieur des immeubles d'appartements Diaoyutai Cour numéro 7 à Pékin, capitale de la Chine. L'immeuble penthouse commence à attirer les globes oculaires publics en raison de son prix de vente extraordinairement élevé, qui est rapporté à 300 000 yuans (environ 46 300 dollars américains) par mètre carré. Le chien de garde de l'industrie immobilière ici, la Commission municipale de Beijing du logement et du développement urbain-rural a annoncé le 3 juin que la vente de 23 sur-prix
Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
Bildnummer: 55424965 Datum: 03.06.2011 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (110603) -- BEIJING, June 3, 2011 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on May 26, 2011 shows the exterior of the apartment buildings Diaoyutai Courtyard Number 7 in Beijing, capital of China. The penthouse apartment building starts attracting public eyeballs because of its extraordinarily high selling price, which is reported to be 300, 000 yuan (about 46, 300 US dollars) per square meter. The real estate industry watchdog here, Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development announced on June 3 that the sale of 23 overpriced apartments here has been suspended under suspicion of raking in exorbitant profits. The watchdog is making investigation on the real estate project. Chinese government has been striving to rein in the rapid growth of its housing price to address the overheated investment in the industry. Housing purchase quota and strict housing loans have been adopted in many Chinese cities. (Xinhua/Li Wen) (lfj) CHINA-BEIJING-HIGH PRICE APARTMENTS-SALE SUSPENSION (CN) PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Wirtschaft Immobilien Immobilienmarkt Gebäude kbdig x0x xsk 2011 hoch Bildnummer 55424965 Date 03 06 2011 Copyright Imago XINHUA Beijing June 3 2011 XINHUA Photo Taken ON May 26 2011 Shows The Exterior of The Apartment Buildings Diaoyutai Courtyard Number 7 in Beijing Capital of China The Penthouse Apartment Building Offs Attracting Public eyeballs because of its extraordinarily High Selling Price Which IS reported to Be 300 000 Yuan About 46 300 U.S. Dollars per Square Metres The Real Estate Industry watchdog Here Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development announced ON June 3 Thatcher The Sale of 23 overpriced Apartments Here has been Suspended Under Suspicion of raking in profits The watchdog IS Making Investigation ON The Real Estate Project Chinese Government has been to pure in The Rapid Growth of its Housing Price to Address The overheated Investment in The Industry
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