Bildnummer : 55834888 Datum : 27.08.2011 Copyright : imago/Xinhua (110828) -- NEW YORK, 28 août 2011 (Xinhua) -- photo prise le 27 août 2011 montre une femme prenant une photo au Times Square à New York, aux États-Unis. Le maire de New York a émis vendredi un premier ordre d’évacuation obligatoire pour plus de 370 000 New-Yorkais résidant dans les zones basses, notamment South Beach sur Staten Island, Brighton Beach à Brooklyn et les Rockaways. Les responsables de la ville ont déclaré que 91 abris ont été installés sur des terrains plus élevés et ont commencé à accueillir des occupants. Samedi, à partir de midi, la ville a fermé dow
Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
Bildnummer: 55834888 Datum: 27.08.2011 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (110828) -- NEW YORK, Aug. 28, 2011 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on Aug. 27, 2011 shows a woman takes photo at the Times Square in New York, the United States. New York City Mayor issued on Friday a first-ever mandatory evacuation order for more than 370, 000 New Yorkers residing in the low-lying areas, including South Beach on Staten Island, Brighton Beach in Brooklyn and the Rockaways. City officials said 91 shelters have been set up on higher ground and have begun receiving occupants. Beginning at noon on Saturday, the city shut down the nation s largest public transit system including all the subway trains and buses. The five main New York City-area airports were also closed to arriving domestic and international flights. Many departures were also canceled. (Xinhua/Wu Jingdan) (zcc) US-NY-HURRICANE-IRENE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Gesellschaft USA Hurrikan Sturm Wirbelsturm Irene Wetter Unwetter premiumd xns 2011 quer Bildnummer 55834888 Date 27 08 2011 Copyright Imago XINHUA New York Aug 28 2011 XINHUA Photo Taken ON Aug 27 2011 Shows a Woman Takes Photo AT The Times Square in New York The United States New York City Mayor issued ON Friday a First Ever Mandatory Evacuation Order for More than 370 000 New Yorkers residing in The Low Lying Areas including South Beach ON Staten Iceland Brighton Beach in Brooklyn and The City Officials Said 91 have been Set up ON Higher Ground and have Begun receiving occupants BEGINNING AT Noon ON Saturday The City SHUT Down The Nation S Largest Public Transit System including All The Subway Trains and Buses The Five Main New York City Area Airports Were Thus Closed to arriving Domestic and International Flights MANY Departures Were Thus canceled XINHUA Wu Jingdan ZCC U.S. NY Hurricane Irene PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Society USA Hurricane Storm Hurricane Irene Weather Storm premiumd xns 2011 horizontal
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