. bulletin de chemin de fer électrique . 1.5 mètres (5 pieds) p^r seconde. Si l'on prend le poids de la charge à 5 kilogrammes (11 lb) par tonne, la puissance totale effective requise est, pour l'averageload, de 13 tonnes par voiture. La crémaillère électrique est illustrée dans l'illustration d'accompagnement. Son apparence est décidedlycaractéristique du pays sur lequel le theroute court et des personnes qui sont quotidiennement voiture-ried au-dessus de l'itinéraire. Jersey City, N. J.—Consolidated TractionCompany prévoit d'organiser un service de fret électrique entre .Newark et Jersey City. 204, RUE RAILWAY GAZETTE. 5 mai 1894. ÉLECTRIQUE
2145 x 1165 px | 36,3 x 19,7 cm | 14,3 x 7,8 inches | 150dpi
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Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
. Electric railway gazette . 1.5 meter(5 ft.) p^r second. Taking the coeflioient of trac-tion at 5 kilogrammes (11 lbs.) per ton, the re-quired total effective power is, for the averageload of 13 tons per car. Electric rack railway is shown in the accompany-ing Illustration. Its appearance is decidedlycharacteristic of the country over which theroute runs and of the people who are daily car-ried over the route. Jersey City, N. J.—The Consolidated TractionCompany is planning to organize an electricfreight service between .Newark and Jersey City. 204 STREET RAILWAY GAZETTE. May 5, 1894. ELECTRIC RAILWAY MOTORS: THEIR CON-STRUCTION AND OPERATION. BY NELSON W. PBKRY.(Seventeenth Article.)We have seen (Fig. 10) that If an electric cur-rent Is passed through a coll of wire It sets uplines of force which have a definite directionwithin the coil and give the coil a distinctpolarity. Now if this coil while traversed by acurrent of electricity be brought into a magneticfield, viz: be placed between the polesof a maguet, . via. 10. it will tend to take up such a position that thelines of force generated within its own colls shallhave the same direction as those of the magneticfield in which it Is placed. That is, it will tendto place its own axis directly on the line joiningthe north and south poles of the field maguet withthe south pole of the coil facing the north pole ofthe magnet and the north pole of the coll facingthe south pole of the magnet. In thisposition the coll presents the least ob-struction to the passage of the lines of force be-tween the two poles of the magnet, becauseit presents the greatest area for theirpassage and in fact assists the passage of theselines by the magneto-motive force which its owncurrent adds to that of the maguet between whosepoles it is placed. When the coil is in the posi-tion shown in Pig. 33 with a current traversing Itin such a direction as to assist the lines of forceacross from .^to S we have this condition fulfilled, and this is t