. Bulletin du Ministère de l'Agriculture des États-Unis. L'agriculture ; l'Agriculture. BULLETIN 24 591, U.S. Department PO agriculture. Début des épreuves et quand il est pesé à la cartes était 9,17 et 5,40 %, respectivement, tandis que la teneur en humidité de l'ancien e coton permissive au même endroit était de 7,95 et 6,06 %, respectivement. Ces différences expliquent en partie les différences décrites comme des déchets invisibles des pourcentages. Les essais de filage du coton, a montré que les normes de coton de l'ouest était d'environ 1 % de plus que l'wasty, tandis qu'avec le coton
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. Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture; Agriculture. 24 BULLETIN 591, U. S. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. beginning of the tests and when weighed at the cards was 9.17 and 5.40 per cent, respectively, while the moisture content of the old permissive cotton grades at the same places was 7.95 and 6.06 per cent, respectively. These differences explain in part the differences described as invisible waste percentages. The spinning tests of the Official Cotton Standards showed that the western cotton was approximately 1 per cent more wasty than the eastern cotton, while with the old permissive grades the reverse was shown. In both tests the yarn (22's) made from the western cotton was approximately 3 pounds per skein stronger than that made from the eastern cotton.. M.P. G.H (1) 7.79 8.72 (2) 8.43 9.05 (1) (2) Fig. 8.- —Total waste pen 3entages of t M. 10.54 11.07 ' l.M. 13.74 12.80 15.74 16.27 Old Perrais3ive Cotton Grades Present Official Cotton Standards of the old permissive cotton grades compared with those in the present Official Cotton Standards. (Mill tests.) In this comparison a very close relation is shown to exist, especially with reference to the percentage of waste in each corresponding grade. While the tests were made on different crops under somewhat different conditions, a comparison of the results obtained in the two tests indicates that the changes which were made in the new grades made practically no difference in the waste percentages, but involved principally a change in the degree or depth of color, particularly in the lower grades. SUMMARY. This bulletin gives the results of manufacturing tests made of cotton representing Middling Fair, Good Middling, Middling, Low Middling, and Good Ordinary of the Official Cotton Standards of the United States. The spinning and weaving tests were con- ducted in a cotton mill in the North, and check tests were made in a. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that