. Bulletin du Museum of Comparative Zoology de Harvard College. Zoologie. Crétacé PiPiD grenouilles d'Israël â ¢ Neva 259 LITHOLOGIE CO CR UJ z o I I- DESCRIPTION DES FOSSILES caractéristiques lithologiques FACIE S UJ o Q. t-. --200 150 DOL -j-r-r-ny 100 j'^ malade. (Tl 50 CO ^cglAc^ t St 55 40 10 115 25 20 15 40- marnes, glouconltic flabellala Exogyra jaune Exogyra columba Holectypus larteti Helerodiadema Pholadomyg vipnesi libycum UJ <â i o n 5, croix en grès bigarré, une usine reste : Weichselia reticulata Hausmania lusitanica Cycadolepis Cycadorachis lanceotatu Podozamites villosa armatus
1335 x 1871 px | 22,6 x 31,7 cm | 8,9 x 12,5 inches | 150dpi
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. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Zoology. PiPiD Cretaceous Frogs from Israel ⢠Neva 259 LITHOLOGY CO cr UJ z o I I- LITHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTIC FOSSILS FACIE S UJ o Q. t-. --200 150 DOL -i-r-r-ny 100 i^ ILL. (Tl 50 CO ^t cglAc St^ 55 40 10 115 2 5- 20 15 40 MARL, yellow glouconltic Exogyra flabellala Exogyra columba Holectypus larteti Helerodiadema libycum Pholadomyg vipnesi UJ <â i o 5 n SANDSTONE, variegated cross-bedded PLANT REMAINS : Weichselia reticulata Hausmania lusitanica Cycadolepis villosa Cycadorachis armatus Podozamites lanceotatus Sagenoptens sp Sassafras porvifolium Cinnamomum cf broteri DOLOMITE. MARL. SHALE V Exogyra tuberculitera KOCH ond DUNKER Gastropodsi Bivalves, Fish teeth I < I- z UJ z K Z o o UJ 5 z 5 on I- < H 2 3 SANDSTONE, variegated cross-bedded CLAY red AMPHIBIANS OLIVINE BASALT hord, prismotic SILT, vorved with tuffs Qnurans Jrodeles Pipids CLAY red, "laterltlc + weattiered basalt OLIVINE BASALT weothered SANDSTONE, SILT ond CLAY red-brown 1 ./bASALâ , CQNQLOMERATg LIMESTONE SANDSTONE CLAY MARL PLANT REMAINS . Brachyphyllum obesurn Schizolepis sp. 1 Cladophlebis cf dunbari 1 Cladophlebis cf brawniana Desmiophyllum /eillerianum Podozamites sp (lanceotatusp) Y^tozamites conimbncensis Weichselia reticulata UNCONFORM _ I Z "- o o Acrosalenia sp Eudesia cardioides Stephanoceras sp Teloceras acuticostatum Normannites orbigny Ermoceras cf elegans Ermoceras splendens Y < CD < I 2 O a o CO O UJ o < Iâ UJ a: o en UJ o CO D O UJ o '^^^i^ «r^^«^ I 5 Z ^ UJ < 2 ;J 03 CD O CO O) CO u O o o o o o o BASALT CONGLOMERATE SANDSTONE SILT CLAY LIMESTONE MARL DOLOMITE MX KKX FLORA OF MA'ALE HA'AZMAUT. RAMON AMPHIBIANS ENCOUNTERED ONLY NEAR COORD INFORMALLY NAMED UNITS. 1236/9945 Figure 2. Generalized columnar secton, Lower Cretaceous western Makhtesh Ramon.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for r