. Bulletin (New York Ministère des Forêts), no. 11. Les forêts et la foresterie. Assiette CXXV. Le frêne noir. 1-liraiK staiiiiiiatc llowt avec li-rs. x i.  ¢'â une panicule de pistil Ih-wc rs,^ x â â â 3. Un omiiound c-l,* ?l ^^^^ »'"*"^ ^ »*'°Â" * ^^'Â"^* 0' 60-80 ft. d'un diamètre de 12 pieds , mais peut atteindre une hauteur de 100 ft. d'un diamètre de 2i pieds il usuallv a un rÂ"thpr a n;rr wtd^^»* Tanow à l'abri de branches pour une distance considérable d'être Tground^" fn' ?orP« f Dih t 7 T^^''l '"'"^^ ^^ de nombreuses branches dressées plutôt. Habituellement dans la fo^
1298 x 1925 px | 22 x 32,6 cm | 8,7 x 12,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Bulletin (Pennsylvania Department of Forestry), no. 11. Forests and forestry. PLATE CXXV. BLACK ASH. 1 liraiK-li with staiiiiiiatc llowt-rs. x i. â¢'â A panicle of pistillate Ih-wc rs, ^ x â â â 3. A mature c-omiiound l, *?l ^^^'^ "'"*"^ ^"*'°« * ^^'»^* 0' 60-80 ft. with a diameter of 1 2 ft , but may reach a height of 100 ft. with a diameter of 2i feet It usuallv has a r«thpr a n;rr wtd^Tanow*''^ free from branches for a considerable distance from^Tground be" fn' ?orP«f Ihl t 7 T^'^'l '"'"^^ ^^ numerous rather upright branches. Usually found in the fo^^m*;es:x*tLtnr:L'ZitrA7h:^' '"* ^^^^^'°°^"^ -^^ ^^ '^"'^'^ ^° ^^« «^-' -^-«"« 8cal^^^r7'?om;Jh;^'^^'^'*"^^^ l°v.^ Irregularly Assured; ridges between the Assures decidedly scaly ^and somewhat corky. By rubbing the bark it breaks up into a very Ane powder. See th^o^f^f WhL'*A-h' K** f.'ll «*"»«^^«t b»"-y. but soon becoming quite smooth. Resemble tnose of the White Ash but lighter in color, and not so smooth and glossy. v^mt^iTol^^^: *''"n^^ ^"'^ P'*^'**'**' **^«*"' «barp-pointed, black, covered with 1-2 pairs of Imo t «r hrn^H ⢠T '"^ /* ^""T â¢'''*^°^" '^^^ °^"^«t ^^t^*-^^ buds; lateral buds usually almost as broad as long, often obtuse at apex, closely oppressed to twigs. âif^«f7M^^^^?*l!' <'°'°P°»°<J' '^bout 14 Inches long, with 7-11 sessile leaAets. leaflets are ' s r^ "on thrlrJn*""!, "'' T''/' '°^'^^ ^*'°^' ^^°"* ^* '"*^»^- -^''«' ^^^^ «* ^^e ^p^i seirate on the margin, wedge-shaped at the base, dark green and smooth above, paler below. or^cotvex^^^, !!;^?^^'''**^' "'''^^' '^""^P'^"^"^' crescent-shaped, upper margin usually straight compound scar ' """"erous arranged in a curved line, sometimes Joined so as t