. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), la botanique. 126 D.J. MABBERLEY et D.T. MOORE Dessin. 527 x 355 mm. Branche avec fleurs violettes avec ca- pitulum et agrandissements de capitule, fleuron et fruits avec graines y compris l'embryon (ci-dessous). La provenance et l'échantillon. Queensland tropical. Matériel d'herbier {Bennett 2088) se sont réunis à son large, Keppel Bay Shoalwater Bay, soif et son. La publication. Apparemment inédit. [78 Adm. 115]. AMMOBIUM ALATUM R. Br. Dans Sims, Bot. Mag. 51 : t. 2459 (1824), composées. Britten (1909 : 143). '78. L'Ammonium alatum Br.' liste de valeurs numériques. 'Un
1468 x 1702 px | 24,9 x 28,8 cm | 9,8 x 11,3 inches | 150dpi
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. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany. 126 D.J. MABBERLEY AND D.T. MOORE Drawing. 527 x 355 mm. Branch with purple flowers with ca- pitulum and enlargements of capitulum, floret and fruit with seeds including embryo (below). Provenance and specimen. Tropical Queensland. Herbarium material {Bennett 2088) gathered at Broad Sound, Keppel Bay, Shoalwater Bay and Thirsty Sound. Publication. Apparently hitherto unpublished. 78 [Adm. 115]. AMMOBIUM ALATUM R. Br. in Sims, Bot. Mag. 51: t. 2459 (1824), Compositae. Britten (1909: 143) list. '78. Ammonium alatum Br.' Numeric list. 'Ammobium alatum Br. 78'. Alphabetic list. 'Ammobium alatum Br. 78'. Annotation on drawtng. 'Philammus alata.' [pencil] '115' [label on mount] 'Ammobium alatum'. Drawing. 526 x 360 mm. Whole plant with white and yellow flowers, flowering shoot apex centre, non-flowering material bot- tom right. Provenance and specimen. New South Wales. This drawing was probably based on material (Bennett 2261) collected at the Hunter River visited by Brown and Bauer at different times. Publication. Watts et al. (1997: no. 59). N.B. The illustration in Curtis's Bot. Mag. (51: t. 2459) is not the Bauer drawing, but the text gives the locality of Brown's material as '... on the shores of Port Hunter (or the Coal River) in New South Wales and named . . from its growing in sand . .'. 79 [Adm. 113]. LEPTORHYNCHOS SCABER (Benth.) Haegi in Jessop & Toelken, Fl. S. Australia 3:1558 (1986), Compositae. Britten (1909: 143) list. '79. Leptorhynchus elongatus DC. van peduncularis'. Numeric LIST. 'Leptorhynchus elongatus DC. var. peduncularis 79'. Alphabetic list. 'Leptorhynchus elongatus D.C. var. peduncu- laris 79'. Annotation on drawing, [pencil] '113' [label on mount] 'Oxylepis chrysocomoides' [pencil] '113 [and] Leptorhynchus elongatus DC. var. peduncularis'. Drawing. 526 x 357 mm. Whole plant with yellow flowers with (below) enlarged receptacle and (left) enlarged dissections of floret and bracts and