. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), la botanique. . 28 Distichostemon timoriense Pleiogynium hispidulus 29 styles. Grande fleur mâle ci-dessous (à gauche) avec les détails des anthères des fleurs femelles élargie, y compris l'article ci-dessous de l'ovaire (centre) et de fruits et graines (droite). La provenance et l'échantillon. Queensland tropical (golfe de Carpentarie). Odonaea polyandra étiquetés "Matériel" {Bennett 5446), recueillis à Sweers, Bentinck et Allen, dans l'Îles Wellesley, 17 novembre 1802. La publication. D(ii) : t. 30. Apparemment inédit. Voir l'annexe 29 [Adm. 186]. PLEIOGYNIUM TIMO
1292 x 1935 px | 21,9 x 32,8 cm | 8,6 x 12,9 inches | 150dpi
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. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany. . 28 Distichostemon hispidulus 29 Pleiogynium timoriense styles. Enlarged male flower below (left) with details of anthers, enlarged female flowers below including section of ovary (centre) and fruits and seeds (right). Provenance and SPECIMEN. Tropical Queensland (Gulf of Carpentaria). Material labelled 'Dodonaea polyandra' {Bennett 5446), collected at Sweers, Bentinck and Allen Islands, in the Wellesley Islands, 17 November 1802. Publication. D(ii): t. 30. Apparently hitherto unpublished. See Appendix 29 [Adm. 186]. PLEIOGYNIUM TIMORIENSE (DC.) Leenh. in Blumea 7: 159 (1952), Anacardiaceae. Britten (1909: 143) list. '29. Spondias Solandri Benth.' NUMERIC LIST. 'Spondias Solandri Benth. 29'. ALPHABETIC LIST. 'Spondias Solandri Benth. 29'. ANNOTATION ON DRAWING. 'Ferd. Bauer del. [printed label] 'Spondias acida' [in pencil] '186' [pencil annotations on mount] 'Pleiogynium — Engl.' 'Spondias acida' 'P. timorense' 'Spondias solandri Benth.' [pencil] '186 [29]', [sic]. Drawing. 520 x 350 mm. Flowering shoot (top) with white flowers, fruiting below with brown/red fruits. Below (left) are enlargements of flowers and fruits including endocarp and seeds. PROVENANCE AND specimen. Tropical Queensland (Keppel Bay). Herbarium material (Bennett 5420, flowers and leaves) collected at Shoal Bay Passage on 28 August 1802 and also from Keppel Bay, Broad Sound and Northumberland Islands, August to October 1802. Brown's slip (B.65. 12/423) for 'Spondias acida Soland n 192' is annotated in pencil 'Pleiogynium solandri', 'S. solandri Benth' and 'Bauer dr' and gives a locality as Keppel Bay 14 August 1802 (described 19 August). Publication. Norst (1989: 19) and Nokomis facsimile (1995). 30 [Adm. 183]. BOSSIAEA DENTATA (R. Br.) Benth., Fl. aus- tral. 2: 156 (1864), Leguminosae. Britten (1909: 143) list. '30. Bossiaea dentata Benth.' Numeric list. 'Bossiaea dentata Benth. 30'. Alphabetic list. 'Bossiaea dentata Benth. 30'. Anno