. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), la géologie. 286 carnivores du Miocène de l'Afrique de l'conicl paraconid est plus élevé que la et la seule trace de l'talonid est un léger choc de l'émail sur le bord postérieur du protoconid. Une minute buttress est présent sur l'antero-labial bord de M2 et M3. Une gauche M1 de Songhor est visée à l'espèce.. 48 47 Fig. 47-49. Hyaenodon (Isohyaenodon) pilgrimi sp. nov. M1 gauche. (47) aspect Occlusal. (48) face latérale. (49) L'aspect médial. (4064), CMF.Songhor. X4. Avec les deux mandibules, la partie postérieure du cerveau-cas et sept cerv
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. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology. 286 MIOCENE CARNIVORA OF EAST AFRICA conicl is higher than the paraconid and the only trace of the talonid is a slight bump of enamel on the posterior edge of the protoconid. A minute buttress is present on the antero-labial edge of M2 and M3. A left M1 from Songhor is referred to the species.. 48 47 Figs. 47-49. Hyaenodon (Isohyaenodon) pilgrimi sp. nov. Left M1. (47) Occlusal aspect. (48) Lateral aspect. (49) Medial aspect. (CMF.4064), Songhor. X4. Together with the two mandibles, the posterior part of the brain-case and seven cervical vertebrae are preserved; all are broken and partly crushed, particularly the posterior part of the skull, so that of this no details can be discerned. In size and build the cervical vertebrae approach those of Mustela pittorius, the polecat. The atlas vertebra possesses a fairly wide dorsal and narrow ventral arch, the latter with well developed longus colli tubercle. No rectus capitus posticus minor muscle scar is visible on the anterior face of the dorsal arch. The wings, though broken, can be seen to be light and did not project far laterally, no more than one third the width of the neural arch. The oblique foramen issues dorsally behind the cotylar process. The vertebrarterial canal is very short, the ventral and posterior openings being close together at the base of the wing. The axis is closely comparable with that of the polecat, and differs from it only in having light non-tuberculate posterior zygapophyses and the posterior extension of the spine beyond the neural arch, though broken, was probably thinner and shorter. The remaining cervical vertebrae are partially crushed, especially on lateral and ventral faces. Their dorsal surfaces reveal that the neural spines were vestigial on third to fifth inclusive; the sixth cannot be seen and on the seventh a small spine was present. The close comparison in size and proportions of the jaws and vertebrae with those of the