. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. Pionites melanocephala. Amazone à tête noire : le 9 octobre et le 13 novembre 1969 J'ai observé deux couples nichant dans les trous des très grands et grands arbres à la lisière de la forêt à Phèdre. Albicoll Nyctidromus/s, Engoulevent pauraqué : le 5 novembre 1967 j'ai trouvé un nid avec un seul oeuf comme d'habitude, sur le sol de la forêt, près de Phèdre. 30-8 Mesures X 21 mm. Caprimulgus maculicaudus. Le Colibri Spot : un "nid" avec deux œufs a été trouvé sur des terres brûlées à Marienburg le 2 octobre 1967. Mesurages 23-4 X 18 • 1, 23-1 X 18 • 1 mm. Capr
1902 x 1314 px | 32,2 x 22,3 cm | 12,7 x 8,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. Pionites melanocephala. Black-headed Parrot: On 9th October and 13th November 1969 I observed two different pairs nesting in holes of very big and tall trees at the edge of the forest at Phedra. Nyctidromus albicoll/s, Pauraque: On 5 th November 1967 I found a nest with a single egg as usual, on the forest floor, near Phedra. Measurements 30-8 X 21 mm. Caprimulgus maculicaudus. Spot-tailed Nightjar: A "nest" with two eggs was found on burnt-over land at Marienburg on 2nd October 1967. Measure- ments 23-4 X 18 • 1, 23-1 X 18 • 1 mm. Caprimulgus nigrescens, Blackish Nightjar: On 3rd September 1967 I found a "nest" with the usual single egg on a road side near Phedra (see Plate), at. Plate "Nest" and egg of Caprimulgus nigrescens. Phedra, Surinam, 3rd September 1967. the same spot where I also found a nest with one egg on 18th April 1965. The egg lay only 10 cm from the track of a tractor that had trailed timber on the road side a short time previously. Measurements 25-2 x 18 • 8 mm. Call/phlox amethystina. Amethyst Woodstar: There was only one previous record of this small hummingbird. On 19th September 1967 I collected a male at Zanderij and on 26th November 1967 and 10th December 1967 a male and female near Phedra. Weights of two males 2 • j and 2 • 8 g, one female 2 • 7 g. Leuconerpes candidus, White Woodpecker: The collecting of a specimen in the mangroves near Matapica (Commewijne Dist.) by Mees (1968) on 10th January 1966 was quite an interesting discovery. However, 1 had already observed two specimens of this striking black-and-white species, which was extremely noisy, at the same locality on 30th November [947. s I was un- able to collect a specimen I did not mention this record earlier. Melawrpes rubricapi Uus y Red-crowned Woodpecker: Certainly not rare but apparently wholly confined to the mangroves near the coast line. 1 have received a male (49 g) and a female (45 g