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Emile Bechard operated a studio during the 1870s in the Esbekiah Gardens in Cairo along with Hippolyte Delie who won a gold medal at the International Exhibition of 1878 in Paris. The name H. Bechard appears scratched into the negatives of a number of large format prints produced in Egypt during the same period. It is believed that Delie was an alternate name used by Emile's brother Hippolyte. In 1887 Emile Bechard published "L'Egypte Et la Nubie Monumental, Historique, Architectural, Reproduction Par les Procedes Inalterables De La Phototypie De Cent Cinequante Vues Photographiques" which contained a number of images (that Emile claimed to have made) that originally appeared with the credit H. Bechard but which was removed from the versions in this edition. This collotype print has no titles printed on the mount so it is believed that it is a proof print made for the 1887 edition. Publication: "L'Égypte et la Nubie: Grand album monumental, historique, architectural....Reproduction par les procédés inaltérables de la phototypie de cent cinquante vues photographiques par M. Béchard, artiste photographe, comprises depuis Le Caire (Égypte) jusqu'à la deuxième cataracte (Nubie) : Avec un texte explicatif des monuments d'après nos meilleurs écrivains, par M. A. Palmieri, André Palmieri et Émile Béchard, éditeurs-propriétaires, 55 rue Taitbout (Paris), 1887"