. Conservation du poisson, des oiseaux et du gibier . t est très facile de prédire ce qui se passera si certains dangers existent pour les moutons et les cerfs mulets des Rocheuses ne sont pas drubeavant que ces animaux deviennent rares. Le caribou de montagne est clairement un animal de la Colombie-Britannique, et ses habitudes alimentaires sont telles qu'il ne trouve pas la pente est très généralement adaptée à ses besoins. Les caribous se trouvent soit dans des forêts denses et humides, où ils fréquentent les petites prairies de castors marécageux, soit sur des collines couvertes de mousse au-dessus de la ligne de bois, soit dans l'extrême nord. L'extrême sud de leur aire de répartition est
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. Conservation of fish, birds and game . t is very easy to predict what will happen if certain exist-ing dangers to the sheep and mule deer of the Rockies are not curbedbefore these animals become scarce. The mountain caribou is distinctly a British ColumbiaCanbou animal, and its food habits are such that it does not find the East slope very generally suited to its require-ments. Caribou are found either in dense, moist forests, where theyfrequent the small marshy beaver meadows, or on open moss-coveredhillsides above timber-line, or in the far north. The extreme southernend of their range is in northern Idaho, where the high mountainbeaver meadows near the edge of timber seem to be their favouritehaunt. They are essentially northern animals, are able to subsistunder very severe weather conditions, and are much more abundantin the Alberta Rockies north of the Athabaska than south of it. Theoccurrence of caribou on the East slope south of 53° is limited to thewest side of the Athabaska river from the Miette south to Fortress. bk; game of the Canadian rockies i»7 kike. Ten years ago they were much more numerous and were foundwell down the Athabaska below the present site of Jasper park, butthey have been very much reduced, and at present it is doubtful if anyremain throughout the year on the Alberta side, as it seems generallyagreed among guides of that region that the whole band winters inBritish Columbia. Among the carnivorous animals of the Rockies theGrizzly grizzly bear is easily the most important though not the most numerous. This animal occurs threughoutthe East Slope region, but is everywhere very scarce. Its principalhome is in British Columbia, in the Selkirk mountains and betweenthe Selkirks and the Rockies. On the Alberta side it is probably mostabundant in the neighbourhood of mount Robson, but I have seengrizzlies or evidence of their presence south of the Crowsnest, in theHighwood and Kananaskis valleys, at Pipestone pass, the headwatersof the North