Dreer catalogue automne de bulbes d'automne de Dreer catalogue de plantes, arbustes, bulbes et graines pour les semis d'automne1935dreersautumncata henr Année : 1935 armeniacum Muscari armeniacum. Une longue tige, Clog de profond bleu de cobalt, en- animé par white laçage au aperture de la sonnerie. Merveilleusement parfumé. Très grandes fleurs et fleurit plus tard que Heav- enly bleu. Hardy et parfaitement à notre avis la plus belle de toutes. Excellent pour la coupe. 12 pour 60c ; 100 pour 4 $ ; 1000 pour 35 $. Ranunculus, renoncule Un souche Tecolete® ces belles plantes à bulbe sont robustes avec winte
1423 x 1405 px | 24,1 x 23,8 cm | 9,5 x 9,4 inches | 150dpi
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Dreer's autumn catalog of bulbs Dreer's autumn catalog of bulbs plants, shrubs, and seeds for fall planting dreersautumncata1935henr Year: 1935 Muscari armeniacum Armeniacum. An effective, long stemmed Grape Hyacinth of deep cobalt blue, en- livened by white lacing at the aperture of the bells. Wonderfully fragrant. Very large flowers and blooms later than Heav- enly Blue. Perfectly hardy and in our opinion the finest of them all. Excellent for cutting. 12 for 60c; 100 for $4.00; 1000 for $35.00. Ranunculus, Tecolete Strain Ranunculus A® These beautiful bulbous plants are hardy with winter protection. They dehght in a cool moist atmosphere growing particular- ly well in a shady situation and in moder- ately rich moist soil. Also splendid for growing in frames and for pot culture. Giant Florentine. Has extra large flowers of many brilliant colors similar to the French Hybrids. 3 for 22c; 12 for 75c; 100 for $5.00. Tecolete Strain. A remarkable strain with colorful large double and semi- double blooms. The product of a CaH- fomia specialist. 3 for 20c; 12 for 65c; 100 for $4, 00. Tecolete Yellow. Comprises a wide range of many beautiful yellow shades. 3 for 22c; 12 for 75c; 100 for $5.00. Tecolete Gold. D azzling golden yellow. 3 for 2Sc; 12 for 85c; 100 for $6.00. Snowdrops Galanthus a Welcomed as the earliest flowers of spring blooming even before the last of the snows has melted away. Plant them in mass. Single (Nivalis). Lovely large white bells attractively tipped with bright green. A great favorite. 12 for 50c; 100 for $3.50; 1000 for $30.00. Elwesi Giant. An extra strong grower with beautiful large white bells tipped with green. Suited for warmer sections. 12 for 50c; 100 for $3.50; 1000 for $30.00. Double {Nivalis Jl. pi.). This is the double-flowering form of the single nivalis. It is equally as showy. 12 for 60c; 100 for $4.50. SciWa—Squilts A® Sibirica {Siberian Squills). One of the prettiest hardy early spring-flowering bulbs having exquisite rich