Dreer's garden book 1939 : 101 ans de semences de qualité Dreer bulbes plantes . dreersgardenbook1939henr Année : 1939 Lobelia. Crystal Palace compacta 2811 Pierre (.VraO. Un nain plantes couvertes avec des fleurs bleu clair. Pkt. 20c ; une pkt. 75c. Crystal Palace 2815 compacta. Riche d'un bleu profond des fleurs ; son feuillage foncé. i pouces. Pkt. 15c ; une pkt. 60c. Campacta 2820 variétés mixtes. Un Pkt. 10c ; une pkt. 50C. 2825 speciosa. Un riche fleurs bleu outremer ; feuillage bronzé. En retrait ; 9 pouces de haut. Pkt. 10c ; une pkt. 40c. 2827 Tenuior. Dressée de croître de 15 pouces de haut. Porte un prof
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Dreer's garden book 1939 : 101 years of Dreer quality seeds plants bulbs . dreersgardenbook1939henr Year: 1939 Lobelia. Crystal Palace compacta 2811 Blue Stone (.VraO. A Dwarf plants covered with clear blue flowers. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c. 2815 Crystal Palace compacta. A Rich deep blue flowers; dark foliage. i inches. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 2820 Mixed Campacta Varieties. A Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c. 2825 Speciosa. A Rich ultramarine blue flowers; bronzy foliage. Trailing; 9 inches tall. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c. 2827 Tenuior. Of upright habit grow- ing 15 inches tall. Bears a profusion of extra-large, cobalt blue flowers. V'ery outstanding. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c. Hardy Lobelia ip] # 2821 Cardinalis (Cardinal Flower). A hardy variety bearing a profusion of fine tall spikes covered with brilliant scarlet blooms during the summer. Grows about 3 feet tall and is splendid for the perennial border. Pkt. 2Sc; special pkt. 75c. Lychnis p] Rose Campion, Maltese Cross Most gardeners know the variety Chal- cedonica but the other three listed here deserve to be grown just as widely on account of the splendid display they give in the garden. 2873 Arkwrighti. Beautiful hybrids producing an abundance of large, bril- liantly colored flowers ranging from crimson and scarlet to salmon and other shades. Handsome for beds and borders. IJ feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c. 2875 Chalcedonica. (f) Broad heads of brilliant, star-shaped, scarlet blooms. 2 feet high. Pkt. 10c; J oz. 25c. 2877 Haageana, Hybrids. Brilliant orange, scarlet, crimson, etc., in mi.xture. 1 foot. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c. 2879 Viscaria splendens. Showy bright rosy red blooms on plants 1 foot high. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c. Lythrum [ng ® Rose Loosestrife 2883 Roseum superbum. A very pretty hardy perennial growing about 3 feet high, covered with rosy flowers from July to September. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c. Annual Lupinus ® ® New Hartwegi Giants A marvelously improved strain of the annual Ha