Dreer's Liste des prix de gros / Henry A. Dreer. . Dreerswholesalep1912meer Année : Antirrhinum (Muflier). Tr. pkt. Oz. En grande partie utilisé pour la coupe d'hiver et d'été. Blanc géant, ^ 2060 Garnet 2060 Errowing J'Rose de hauteur 2060 '* très très fortes pointes écarlate . . Â ¢ .... 20 60 20 60 fleurs et rayures jaune 20 60 15 50 Half-Dwarf J Mixte Daphné. Rose doux 2060 de défi. Fiery scarlet 2060 Golden Queen. 20 60 jaune riche ' Prince Chamois. Chamois d'or ... 20 60 frappante. Dark rouge cardinal 2060 La mariée. Blanc pur, fin 2060 nec plus mitigés. Toutes les couleurs 1540 Majus mixte. Une amende st
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Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . dreerswholesalep1912dree Year: Antirrhinum (Snapdragon). Tr. pkt. Oz. Largely used for cutting, both summer and winter. Giant, White ^ 20 60 Garnet 20 60 Pink I tall Errowing 20 60 '* Scarlet very large spikes . . ⢠.... 20 60 Striped and flowers 20 60 Yellow 20 60 Mixed J 15 50 Half-Dwarf Daphne. Soft rose-pink 20 60 Defiance. Fiery scarlet 20 60 Golden Queen. Rich yellow 20 60 ' Prince Chamois. Golden chamois ... 20 60 Striking. Dark cardinal red 20 60 The Bride. Pure white, fine 20 60 Finest Mixed. All colors 15 40 Majus Mixed. A fine strain of the tall variety. ... 10 25 Asparagus. The two varieties here offered are wanted in quantity by every florist, always in strong demand. The stock we offer is extra fine and the correct type. Plumosus nanus (True, greenhouse-grown). 50 cts. per 100 seeds; $4.00 per 1000 seeds. Plumosus nanus. (True, open-air seed.) 30 cts. per 100 seeds; 12.50 per 1000 seeds. Spreneeri. 25 cts. per 250 seeds; 75 cts. per 1000 seeds; $3.00 per 5000 seeds. Asparagus Plumosus Hatcheri. We have arranged with the introducer of this grand new variety to handle his entire crop of seed, which is now ready in fine plump seed of high germination. It would hardly be possible to praise this new type too much, and it has already made a name for itself among the most critical growers. It is of very rapid growth, the fronds set closer on the stems than the very best type of Plumosus Nanus, making a fuller, heavier string and when cut lasts longer in good condition than any other and is just as good for bunching as the old sort. We will not be surprised if it quickly becomes the leading variety for all purposes. Stock of seed limited. $1.25 per 100 seeds; $10.00 per 1000 seeds. 250 or more seeds at the 1000 rate. ASPARAGUS PLUMOSUS HATCHERI BELLIS PERENNISâDOUBLE DAISY Bellis perennis (Double Daisy) Tr. pkt. Oz. Longfellow. Double pink Daisy 40 $2 00 Snowball. Fine double white Daisy 40 2 00 Giant