Errances dans le Roman campagna . ien que l'écriture l'Academica, l'orateur pourrait voir à travers l'Cyzicenewindow le poisson de sport ses eaux claires. Il s'agit d'relatedthat le 7 décembre de l'année 46 B. c, au moment du meurtre thevery de Cicéron à Formiae, hotsprings l)urst par cette partie des jardins qui camenearest à la rive ; et ces ressorts, ayant beenfound bénéfique pour affections de l'œil, nou-s sous le nom de Aquse Ciceronianse. Le site de la villa a été occupée au agesby un hameau appelé Tripergola. Ici les rois d'un Anjoubuilt shooti
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Wanderings in the Roman campagna . hile writing the Academica, the orator could see through the Cyzicenewindow the fish sporting in its clear waters. It is relatedthat on the 7th of December of the year 46 B. c, at thevery moment of the murder of Cicero at Formiae, hotsprings l)urst out in that part of the gardens which camenearest to the shore; and these springs, having beenfound beneficial for affections of the eye, became cele-brated under the name of Aquse Ciceronianse. The site of the villa was occupied in the middle agesby a hamlet called Tripergola. Here the kings of Anjoubuilt a shooting lodge, the royal kennels, and a bathingestablishment capable of accommodating thirty patients, the Aquse Ciceroniana; having retained through thelapse of so many centuries their healing virtue againstophthalmia. All these interesting and pleasant memo-rials and landmarks were destined to disappear on the29th of September of the year 1538. The dawn of thatfatal day was marked by an outburst of geysers; twelve THE LAND OF NERO 333. The sulphur springs of the Ac|Ufe Caldana? on the Volsciaii coast five mileswest of Aiitiuin hours later the Monte Nuovo was formed, a cone 456feet high, in the centre of which we can stiH behoklthe eruptive flue, inclosed by masses of pumice stone, trachyte, and tufa. After a delightful rest at Torre Caldana we set sailfor Cape Antium (La Punta dell Arco Muto), the dimoutline of which appeared in the morning haze fivemiles to the east. This part of the coast is higher andmore picturesque than the sandy beaches of Laurentumand Lavinium, the clay and sandstone cliffs beingfringed with clusters of arbutus and myrtle, and eachheadland being crowned with the remains of a villa.Impelled by a gentle breeze our boat ran eastwardthrough waters as clear as crystal, showing every detailof the uneven bottom thirty feet below. So perfect was 334 WANDERINGS IN THE ROMAN CAMPAGNA their transparency that we were able to test for the firsttime the accnracy of the tra