Image d'archive à partir de la page 441 de Cunningham's Text-book d'anatomie (1914). Cunningham's Text-book d'anatomie cunninghamstextb00cunn Année : 1914 ( 408L MUSCULAE SYSTÈME. Semi-membranosus (insertion) Ligamentum (insertion rotulienne) Popliteus (insertion) Fixation de col- tibiale du ligament latéral du genou gracilis (insertion) Semi-tendinosus (insertion) grand trochanter, (4) l'extrémité distale de la frontière du grand trochanter, (5) la marge latérale de la grosse tubérosité fessière du fémur et le tendon de l'glutseus maximus, (6) la moitié proximale de la linea aspera, et (7) le fascia lata et la
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Archive image from page 441 of Cunningham's Text-book of anatomy (1914). Cunningham's Text-book of anatomy cunninghamstextb00cunn Year: 1914 ( 408 THE MUSCULAE SYSTEM. Semi-membranosus (insertion) Ligamentum patellar (insertion) Popliteus (insertion) Attachment of tibial col- lateral ligament of the knee Gracilis (insertion) Semi-tendinosus (insertion) greater trochanter, (4) the distal border of the greater trochanter, (5) the lateral margin of the gluteal tuberosity of the femur and the tendon of the glutseus maximus, (6) the proximal half of the linea aspera, and (7) the fascia lata and lateral intermuscular septum (Fig. 360, p. 406). It forms a thick, broad muscle directed distally and forwards, and is inserted by a broad membranous tendon into (1) the lateral border of the tendon of the rectus femoris, (2) the proximal and lateral border of the patella, and (3) the capsule of the knee-joint and the fibular collateral ligament of the patella. A bursa intervenes between it and the membranous insertion of the glutseus maximus. M. Vastus Medialis.—The vastus medialis is larger than the vastus lateralis and has a more extensive origin, from (1) the distal two-thirds or more of the spiral line, the linea aspera, and the proximal two-thirds of the line leading from the linea aspera to the medial condyle of the femur ; (2) the membranous ex- pansion of the fascia lata which lies beneath the sartorius and forms the roof of the adductor canal; and (3) the medial intermuscular septum and the tendon of the adductor magnus (Figs. 359, p. 404, and 365, p. 410). From its origin the muscle ' is directed distally and laterally towards the knee ; it is inserted by a strong aponeurotic tendon into (1) the medial border of the rectus tendon; (2) into the proximal and medial border of the patella; and (3) the capsule of the knee-joint and the collateral liga- ment of the patella. The muscle con- ceals the medial side of the shaft of the femur and the vastus intermedins, with whi