INDEX DES INVENTIONS Lettres patentes de l'United States ont été accordés dans la semaine se terminant le 191954 191824 191971 191861 191994 192020 192006 192040 191907 192025 impression photographique Walter & dun châssis 191906 7744 192042 191875 191752 192017 192024 191799 191845 191882 191945 192,016 7734 191946 191853 191975 192008 191750 191901 191924 191758 191970 191902 191867 191869 191842 191857 192038 191748 191791 191796 191851 191999 191807 191988 191834 191787 191892 1920 192,026 ville de New York. 10049 BRACELET-.--C H. Greet Edgewater N. Y. 191815 192018 191760 191939 191992 191937 191764 191746 Shirt sein
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INDEX OF INVENTIONS Letters Patent of the United States were Granted in the Week Ending 191954 191824 191971 191861 191994 192020 192006 192040 191907 192025 Photographic printing frame Walter & Dun 191906 7744 192042 191875 191752 192017 192024 191799 192.016 191845 191882 7734 191945 191946 191853 191975 192008 191750 191901 191924 191758 191970 191902 191867 191869 191842 191857 192038 191748 191791 191796 191851 191999 191807 191988 1920 191834 191787 191892 192.026 York city. 10049.-BRACELET--C H. Greet Edgewater N. Y. 191815 192018 191760 191939 191992 191937 191764 191746 Shirt bosom protector W. F.Brown 191789 Shoe clasp Hammond & King 191921 Sink. G. Jennings 191808 Skylight S. M. Howard 191980 Sled brake E. M . Lawrence 191883 Smoking pipes S. K. Luce 191749 Snap hook and buckle F. J. Deisz 191.766 Snap hook and buckle J. R. Hopper 191860 Spool case N. Waterbury 191984 Steam generators E. D. Wood 192003 Steam heater R. G. Brown 192009 Stirrup. S. J. Harkness 191793 Stone. artificial C. E. Peirce 191 928 Stove A. Lynd 191929 Stove gas W. McKenzie 191854 Stove pipe drum J. Class 191991 Stove polish E. L. Whiton 191998 Stuffing box C. '1'. Sleeper 191829 Sulphurous anhydride R. P. Pictet 191778 191977 Surgical tube E Pfarre . 191879 191956 Syringe J. S. Parsons 191775 191772 Tackle block J . F. Harcourt (r) 7728 191952 Telegraph C. . Rudd 191887 7745 Thrashing machine W. M. Leyde (r) 7731 7746 Thrashing machine feeder E. J. Marsters 191985 192002 Tinner's scrap J. M. S anders 191780 191785 Tobacc D. C. Lyall 191870 191934 Tobacc printing D. W. De Forest 191841 191964 Tool handle C. Groth 191757 191779 Tool handle L. Landeker 191866 191969 Top spinning H. D. Forbes 191756 7733 Towel rack Merritt & Eckenf els 191989 191863 Truck for moving buildings Hulet & Murphy 191966 191910 Tubing Joint for G. Matheson 191768 191773 Twine holder J. C. White 191788 191864 Umbrella support B. B. Smith Sr 191782 191797 Urinal J. W. Osborne 192045 192023 Valve engine E. O