. Italie: manuel pour les voyageurs. Première partie (Nord de l'Italie) . une ruecroisant la ville en direction directe de N. à S., de la Porta di Milano à la Porta Ticinese , et menant au pont couvert (une promenade agréable avec vue pittoresque) sur le 1 Baffni puZbtici A. 5 2 Casa dlnaustria {.>?. 3 CasteUo C.3 Chiese: k.CatbulvaU H.T a.San leodoro A, 5, fi-S^Jfin-ia del Carmine B. 4;. 7.San Jfichelf B. 5. IJ-SeCN Francesco C.fe.Q.Santa Maria in Betlenvme- A. 6. | 10. Son Gervaso A. 3. I ll.ftnii B.fc. I M.Saint-Marin B.5. B 13.£a/i PfimoIk.San (Hacomo c FtfipoIS.Canepa NAMM
1495 x 1671 px | 25,3 x 28,3 cm | 10 x 11,1 inches | 150dpi
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. Italy: handbook for travellers. First Part (Northern Italy) . a streetintersecting the town in a straight direction from N. to S., from thePorta di Milano to the Porta Ticinese , and leading to the coveredBridge (a pleasant promenade with picturesque view) over the 1 Baffni puZbtici A. 5 2 Casa dlnaustria {.>?. 3 CasteUo C.3 Chiese: k.CatbulvaU H.t a.San leodoro A, 5, fi-S^Jfin-ia del Carmine B. 4;. 7.San Jfichelf B. 5. Ij-Secn Francesco C.fe.Q.Santa Maria in Betlenvme- A. 6. | 10. Son Gervaso A. 3. I ll.ftnii B.fc. I M.San Marino B.5. B 13.£a/i PfimoIk.San (Hacomo c FtfippoIS.Canepa namMb.Collegia Borromeo 17. Cacria 18. Chislieri&.&irmaric7§.0rto botanico2L0spitale Cirico22. MilitarytS-Falazzv Gn-ia? oBroletto241. ■ « Teficffrrk?*.J¥o htJjgo degh Bsposti S.5. X.PioRUiro iti S-Crocv C.5. 27. » ■ lUfmyherita (.i. 28.Semznario Vn^covile (.5.6. 29.Teatro B.S. W-rfficwdelln Pesta C*. 31. Thuvei&ita • C.!r. D*. Bit. Alberghi: A.i. a.froce bianea S.<t. b.Lambardia. B.i. C. /Vzzo C.i. d.TreBe B.3C 5.6.C.5.:B.3.:B.*. 1li i. to Genoa. PAVIA. 26. Route. 155 Ticino, which is here navigated by barges and steamboats. Achapel stands on the bridge, halfway across. S. Michele (PI. 7), to which the third side-street to the r. leads(coming from the bridge), a Romanesque structure erroneouslyattributed to the Lombard kings, belongs to the latter part of the11th cent., but has recently been restored. The facade is adornedwith numerous very ancient reliefs in sandstone in ribbon-likestripes and a curious gable gallery. The nave and aisles aresupported by eight pillars, from which rise double round arches.The short choir, under which there is a crypt, terminates in anapse. Over the centre of the transept rises a dome. The pillarsof the nave are adorned with ancient frescoes by pupils of Giotto. The traveller may now ascend the Corso Vitt. Emanuele to theUniversity (PI. 31), the oldest in Europe, said to have been foundedby Charlemagne. The building is much handsomer t