Japan's Crown Prince Akishino and his wife Princess Kiko visit a blind school in Tottori, western Japan on May 17, 2019. Japan's Crown Prince Fumihito, Akishino, is the younger brother of Emperor Naruhito and the second son of Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko. Prince Akishino is first lines of succession to the Japanese throne. ( The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images )

Japan's Crown Prince Akishino and his wife Princess Kiko visit a blind school in Tottori, western Japan on May 17, 2019. Japan's Crown Prince Fumihito, Akishino, is the younger brother of Emperor Naruhito and the second son of Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko. Prince Akishino is first lines of succession to the Japanese throne. ( The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images ) Banque D'Images

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Associated Press / Alamy Banque D'Images

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52,2 MB (1,2 MB Téléchargement compressé)


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5000 x 3648 px | 42,3 x 30,9 cm | 16,7 x 12,2 inches | 300dpi

Date de la prise de vue:

17 mai 2019


Pool for Yomiuri

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