. Journal de chemin de fer électrique . e grades de service les plus difficiles jusqu'à 10 %. Un test a été effectué après que la voiture ait été en service de 5.38a m. à 9.03 p. M. Le premier moteur sur le circuit n° 1, non équipé du ventilateur mais avec la plaque de trou de la main et le couvercle du collecteur retirés, a montré une température de 100 deg. C. sur le dessus de l'armature. Le premier circuit de moteur n° 2 équipé d'un ventilateur avec la plaque de maintien et les couvercles de collecteur retirés, a montré une température de 90 deg. C. sur le dessus de l'armature, le ventilateur baissant la température sur les moteurs de 10 degrés. Othertests ont montré que dans tous les cas la température
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. Electric railway journal . e hardest service grades up to 10 per cent. A testwas made after the car had been in service from 5.38a. m. to 9.03 p. m. The first motor on No. 1 circuit, not equipped with the fan but with both handhole plateand commutator cover removed, showed a temperatureof 100 deg. C. on top of the armature. The first motoron No. 2 circuit equipped with a fan with both handholeplate and commutator covers removed, showed a tem-perature of 90 deg. C. on top of the armature, the fanlowering the temperature on the motors 10 deg. Othertests showed that in all cases the temperature waslowered. The Long Island Railroad has been ordered by thePublic Service Commission for the First District ofNew York, to install immediately a non-automatic emer-gency lighting system in its passenger cars operated onthe Atlantic Avenue division from Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, to Jamaica. The lights must have at least 8cp. each, and three lights are to be installed in each car. August 12, 1916] ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL 285. AUTO TRUCK USED ON HOLTON INTERURBAN RAILWAY IN COM-MON ROAD OPERATION Change of Wheels Adapts Automobilefor Railway Use Touring Cars and Auto Trucks Equipped withFlanged Wheels Promise Success on CaliforniaRailways in Combating the Jitney Automobiles adapted for operation on steel rails havelong been in use in the West for emergencies and offi-cial inspection service, particularly on steam roads.Several California railroads and electric railways, incasting about for some means of effectively meetingjitney competition, seized upon this idea, fitted automo-biles with special wheels and are now operating themover the companys tracks in passenger service. Inter-est therefore attaches to the cost of operating suchvehicles and the mechanical changes which are neces-sary in converting the ordinary automobile. The Amador Central Railroad, a steam line in north-ern California, has been using a 1909 model Studebaker-Garford car in passenger service for about a year