. Journal de chemin de fer électrique . le câble du vengeur lui-même ne repose pas directement sur la bobine le 4 novembre 191 r.] JOURNAL DE CHEMIN DE FER ÉLECTRIQUE. 983 ou Diabolo isolateur, mais est dirigé sous la structure de support sous la forme d'une boucle ininterrompue qui est sus-pended de l'isolant par un fil toronné à environ 8.2 ft.from de chaque côté du support. Le fil de tension auxiliaire est enroulé de la même manière et fixé au câble du vengeur comme illustré. Ces deux fils sont isolants du sol par une paire d'isolateurs de disque placés dans des insertions de chaque côté de la boucle qui les soutient. Crochets Thuupulaires
1520 x 1644 px | 25,7 x 27,8 cm | 10,1 x 11 inches | 150dpi
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. Electric railway journal . themessenger cable itself does not rest directly on the spool November 4, 191 r.] ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL. 983 or Diabolo insulator, but is led under the supporting-structure in the form of an unbroken loop which is sus-pended from the insulator by stranded wire at about 8.2 ft.from each side of the support. The auxiliary tension wireis looped under in the same manner and clamped to themessenger cable as shown. These two wires are insulatedfrom the ground by a pair of disk insulators placed inseries in each side of the loop which supports them. Thetubular brackets which carry the trolley wire are verticallyadjustable and are supplied with one bell and one groovedinsulator to secure double insulation from ground. Theclamp for the trolley wire can slide along the bracket inaccordance with conditions. The contact line is staggeredas much as 19^2 in. from the center line of the track toinsure the uniform wear of the current collectors. The contact wire is of hard-drawn copper. It has two. Dessau-Bitterfeld Railway — Double-Trolley Construction on a Curve Undera Bridge with Low Clearance side grooves for the hanger wire clamps. Galvanized steelis used for all other wires. The hanger wires are preventedfrom being bent on account of the passage of the collectorby providing them with a lower loop which permit thetrolley wire to move upward about 2 in. AUTOMATIC TENSION DEVICES The automatic tension devices previously mentioned areconstructed as follows: The two ends of adjoining tensiontake-up sections are led past one another for a distance ofone span and are connected to the tension-adjusting weightsas shown on page 982. To divide this tension in the desiredproportion between the trolley wire, the messenger cableand the span wire, the ends of these wires are connected toa lever whose arms are so proportioned that the tensionremains constant under all conditions. The cable from thetension weights is led over a pulley on this lever. A secondl