. Journal de chemin de fer électrique . les crêtes et les ponceaux sont en béton. Les ponts en béton ont des arches de 70 pi de long et des ponts lestés, de sorte que la surface de la voie est ininterrompue.une illustration d'un est présentée sur cette page. GL JEVA BRANCH la branche de Genève est la section la plus récente du troisième-raildvisir a, et ras fait partie du système d'exploitation en 1909. Dans l'énion de la roadbed et des structures de thisdicili< t l'ida C3 sur la partie originale de la route werecloseh folio I. 0 branche lis quand construit était connu sous C icago, heaton & Western Railroad. THT Geneva Jranch rejoint le
1566 x 1595 px | 26,5 x 27 cm | 10,4 x 10,6 inches | 150dpi
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. Electric railway journal . ridges and culverts are of concrete. Someof the concrete bridges have arches 70 ft. long and allhave ballasted decks, so that the track surface is unbroken.An illustration of one is presented on this page. Gl JEVA BRANCH The Geneva branch is the newest section of the third-raildvisir a, and ras made a part of the operating system in1909. In tin esign of the roadbed and structures of thisdivisi< t the ida C3 on the original part of the road werecloseh folio I. 0 lis branch when built was known asthe C icago, heaton & Western Railroad. Tht Geneva jranch joins the Elgin branch at Elgin Junc-tion, about 2 miles west of Wheaton, and from there ex-tends due west through West Chicago to Geneva, on theFox River trolley division. West Chicago has a populationof 3500 and is an important steam railroad junction point.Here the new third-rail division is carried over the yardsof the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad and the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway on a through truss with a span. Aurora, Elgin & Chicago—Bridge Over Steam RailroadTracks at West Chicago of 260 ft. and long earthwork approaches, which contain220, 000 cu. yd. of earth. In making borrow pits to obtainthis material a deposit of about 50, 000 cu. yd. of excellentgravel was uncovered. Geneva is entered over a large con-crete bridge across the Fox River. This structure has six56-ft. arches and one 40-ft. arch, all of which support aroadway 50 ft. wide. A view of this bridge is shown. The track on the new Geneva branch is laid with 70-lb.rail in 33-ft. lengths, connected by Continuous joints andbonded with two No. 0000 bonds. The third rail is a 60-lb.T-section, carried on Ohio Brass Company porcelain in-sulators and bonded with two 250, 000-circ. mil compressedterminal foot bonds. This track is ballasted with washedgravel. Its grades and curves conform to those of theoriginal road. TRACK AND THIRD-RAIL BONDS The track of the original third-rail divisions, when built, was bonded at each j