. L'anatomie de l'animal domestique. Anatomie vétérinaire. MUSCLES DU MEMBRE PELVIEN 381 de la face latérale du tibia et du péroné. Son tendon accompagne celle de l'extenseur latéral sur la malléole externe, et se termine sur l'extrémité proximale du cinquième métatarse lione. Le sok'us est absent. (Il est présent et grand dans le cat.) le gastrocnemius découle de l'activité au-dessus du condyle du fémur. L'origine de chaque tête contient un Os sésamoïde à propos de la taille d'un pois (Os sesamoideum. trocnemii m- gaz), qui articule avec les condyles du fémur. Le tendon
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. The anatomy of the domestic animals. Veterinary anatomy. MUSCLES OF THE PELVIC LIMB 381 of the lateral face of the tibia and the fibula. Its tendon accompanies that of the lateral extensor over the lateral malleolus, and ends on the proximal end of the fifth metatarsal lione. The sok'us is absent. (It is present and large in the cat.) The gastrocnemius arises from the rough lines above the condyles of the femur. The origin of each head contains a sesamoid bone about the size of a pea (Os sesamoideum m. gas- trocnemii), which articulates with the corresponding condyle of the femur. The tendon comports itself as in tlie horse. The superficial digital flexor has a large round belly. It arises in common with the lateral head of the gastrocnemius from the lateral rough line and sesa- moid bone, and from the aponeurosis of the vastus lateralis. The tendon winds around that of the gas- trocnemius, passes over the tuber calcis (where it is arranged as in the horse), and divides below the tarsus into two branches. Each of these divides into two branches which end as in the forelimb. The lateral and medial branches detach slips to the suspensory ligaments of the large digital pad. Muscle-fibers often occur in the tendon in the metatarsal region. The deep digital flexor has two heads. The large lateral head, tlie flexor hallucis longus, arises from the posterior surface of the tibia and filnila, filling tlio in- terosseous space. The small medial head, flexor digi- talis pedis longus, also arises from the tibia and fil)ula; its tendon passes through the groove on the medial malleolus, inclines backward in its descent over the tarsus, and joins that of the large head below the tarsus. The common tendon detaches a branch to the large digital pad and terminates as in the forelimb. The tibialis posterior is a very small but distinct muscle, which arises on the proximal part of the fibula. The delicate tendon accompanies that of the flexor longus and ends on the medial ligament o