. L'anatomie de l'animaux domestiques . Anatomie vétérinaire. NEBVE 817 ULNAE nerf cubital nerf ulnaire (Fig. 566, 567, 568, 652) se pose à la médiane de la cage thoracique du plexus brachial. Il descend entre l'artère brachiale et vem, accompagné d'une courte distance par le nerf radial. Il croise ensuite le vem et continue derrière le dernier le long du bord antérieur du tenseur de l'fascise antibrachii et trempettes sous que muscle près du coude. Ici c'est par les navires jomed ulnaire et passe vers le bas et en arrière sur l'épicondyle médial de l'humérus. Dans l'avant-bras il
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. The anatomy of the domestic animals . Veterinary anatomy. ULNAE NEBVE 817 Ulnar Nerve The ulnar nerve (Figs. 566, 567, 568, 652) arises with the median from the thoracic components of the brachial plexus. It descends between the brachial artery and vem, accompanied for a short distance by the radial nerve. It then crosses the vem and continues behind the latter along the anterior border of the tensor fascise antibrachii and dips under that muscle near the elbow. Here it is jomed by the ulnar vessels and passes downward and backward over the medial epicondyle of the humerus. In the forearm it crosses obliquely the deep face of the ulnar head of the flexor carpi ulnaris and descends under the deep fascia with the Extensor carpi radialis Intermuscular sept Common extensor of digit. Intermuscular septum Lateral extensor of digit Intermuscular septum Uhiaris lateralis Deep digital flexor {humeral head) Superficial digital flexor Deep digital flexor (ulnar head) Ulnar vein Ulnar nerve Ulnar artery Fig. 653.—Cross-section of Fohearm of Horse about Three Inches (ca. S cm.) below the Elbow Joint. The deep fascia ia designated by red line. N, A, V, Interoaseoua vessela and nerve. Accessory cephalic vein Vein Cephalic vein Medial ligament of elbow Median nerve Median veins Median artery Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris vessels, at first on the ulnar head of the deep flexor, and then between the middle and lateral flexors of the carpus. Near the level of the accessory carpal bone it divides into two terminal branches, superficial and deep. It gives off two principal collateral branches. The cutaneous branch (Ramus cutaneus volaris) is detached just before the nerve passes under the tensor fascise antibrachii; it runs downward and backv/ard on that muscle under cover of the posterior superficial pectoral, becomes superficial below the elbow, and ramifies on the posterior surface and both sides of the forearm. The muscular branches, which are given off at the elbow,