The interior of a catacombs Beit Shearim Israel Jewish town of Beit She arim flourished during 2 4 centauries CE Roman period people of Beit She arim dug ornate catacombs interconnected by tunnels creating a huge underground necropolis a city of dead caves are full of stylized sarcophagi decorated with Jewish and secular symbols Beit She arim was destroyed during mutiny against Galos emperor in year 352 CE town of Beit She arim became an important spiritual center when Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi Rabbi who was spiritual authority of time made his home there Rabbi was known as sealer of Mishna Rabbi also moved Sanhedrin religious judicial authority to Beit She arim When he died in year 220 CE Rabbi was buried in one of caves a fact that made Beit Shearim an important burial place for Jews of Israel and Diaspora during excavations done in this site more than 30 burial caves were discover