L'SINTZ' GAZ ET DES MOTEURS À ESSENCE CLARK SINTZ MFR. . Springfield dans l'Ohio. Machines d'ENGRAIS Crushers Mills Mixers séchoirs digesteurs etc Une Advortisix Groat kik les architectes et les entrepreneurs Edition (créé en 1885.) Ce superbe travail d'architecture est de loin la plus grande circulation de tout périodique de sa catégorie. Il va di les Architectes Ingénieurs Sanitaires et construisent les entrepreneurs et les propriétaires de maison. Les fabricants et négociants en matériaux de construction penters Outils Voiture' Machines à bois Chauffage. Ven tilating Plomberie et Appareils sanitaires de l'architecture de toiture en métal et bois
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THE SINTZ' GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES CLARK SINTZ MFR. . Springfield Ohio. FERTILIZER MACHINERY Crushers Mills Mixers Digesters Dryers etc A Groat Advortisix kik The Architects and Builders Edition (Established 1885.) This superb architectural work has by far the largest circulation of any periodical of its class. It goes di the Architects Builders Constructing and Sanitary Engineers Contractors and House Owners. manufacturers and dealers in Building Materials Car penters' Tools Woodworking Machinery Heating. Ven tilating Plumbing and Sanitary Appliances Roofing Architectural Wood and Metal Work Builders' Hard ware Doors Sash Blinds Paints and in fact all goods which enter into or are used in the construction and F. A. SINCLAIR'S 1 Z1 MOTTVILLE SPECIAL NOTICE! STATIONARY and PORTABLE. All Sizes. Dwarfs In Size but Giants in Strength. Expense one cent an and requires but little attention to run them. Every Estrin. Guaranteed. Full particulars free by mail Mention this paper VAN DUZEN GAS &GASOLINE ENGINE CO. Cincinnati 0. ' ECONOMY IS WEALTH.' purchase a better onel Send for illustrated catalogue and terms to County Agents. 1967 E. Madison St. Write for Catalogue of Model Supplies. FREE BELLS BATTERIES PUSHES WIRE MOTORS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES STANLEY & PATTERSON Electrical House Furnishings Steel Type for ifritina Machines mounted and unmounted always specialtyof selecting stones for all spe working shape by 1300KS. 1.00 83.0 Cloth Dynamometers and the Measurement cot 53.50 Electrical Instrument Making for Amateurs. Electric Light Cables and the Distribution Electric Toy Making. Dynamo Building. and 361 Broadway New York. LATHE SEBASTIAN LATHE COMPANY 44-48 Central Ave. Cinelnn2ti 0. The Sebastian-May Co. Improved Screw Cutting FootkLATHES 165 to 167 Highland Ave. SIDNEY. 00. MODEL ENGINES CATALOGUES FREE. Astronomical Telescopes Of superior defining power. EYE PIECES etc. 23=1R.T.IN 337.T-T= VITRIFIED BRICK. NEW YORK BRICK AND PAVING CO. WELL DRILLING MACHINERY WILLIAM