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Execution room called Coffin Room with at least 70 years old duct system in the middle in Pankrac Prison Memorial inside still used Prague Pankrac Remand Prison near centre of Prague, Czech Republic in this March 11, 2014 image. During Nazi German occupation between 1939-1945, the German Gestapo "investigation" unit as well as German Nazi "Court" were established at the prison. The Czech prison guards were replaced by Waffen SS members. In spring 1943 the Nazi Germans started carrying out executions directly inside the facility itself, where three cells had been adapted for this purpose. In this three cells called Courtroom, Axe Room (the Czech word "sekyrarna") and Coffin Room between April 5, 1943 and April 26, 1945 a total of 1, 079 people (including 175 women) were beheaded by guillotine. The number of people executed by hanging at this period is unknown. The chief Nazi executioner was Alois Weiss. Germans use this spot in Coffin Room for dead corpses of executed prisoners put in the star shape around duct system to wait until their blood come out completely. Then corpses were put into rough wooden coffins and transported for cremation to another Prague's quarter. The three rooms used for this bloody purpose have been preserved including the original execution device, ropes and other accessories and serve as memorial that is occasionally accessible to schools and public. (CTK Photobank/Petr Mlch)
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