. La structure et la classification des oiseaux . d dans la structure, et il y a un petit prolongement vers le haut des parties latérales des trois anneaux abastmosttrachéaux, ce qui forme un processus triangulaire consolidé de chaque côté, chevauchant les quelques anneaux suivants et loisingextrêmement comme le rudiment des proces-sus vocales situés de façon similaire du syrinx passerinetracheophone, ce qui ressemble est augmenté par la finesse des anneaux de neigh-bouring et par le fait que l'on soit aplati de l'avant vers l'arrière. Le syrinx bronchique est vu dans son développement le plus extrême dans Steatornid. Et dans Crotophaga, où
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. The structure and classification of birds . d in structure, and there is a small prolongationupwards of the lateral portions of the three lowermosttracheal rings, which forms a consolidated triangular processon each side, overlapping the next few rings and lookingextremely like the rudiment of the similarly situated proces-sus vocales of the passerinetracheophone syrinx, whichresemblance is increased bythe thinness of the neigh-bouring rings and by theirbeing flattened from beforebackwards. The bronchial syrinx is- seen in its most .extreme de-velopment in Steatornid. andin Crotophaga, where it wasoriginally described by MiJiJ-LBE ; but other cuckoos andgoatsuckers, as has beenshown by me, possess alsoa syrinx which may becalled bronchial; further-more, as WuNDBRLiCH hasshown, ^ the owl tribe resem-ble the goatsuckers in this Fig. 48respect, while there are in-dications of the bronchial syrinx in certain petrels. The fullest description of the syrinx of Steatornis, whichwe take as a type of the perfectly formed bronchial syrinx.. Strinx of steatornis, FkontView. (Apteb Gakbob). On the Syrinx and other Points in the Anatomy of the OaprimulgidBS, P. Z. S. 1886, p. 147; On the Structural Characters and Classification of theCuckoos, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 168. ^ Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Entwickeluugsgeschichte desunteren Kehlkopfs der Vogel, Nov. Act. Aqad. Leop. Cms. 1884. 70 STEUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS is contained in a paper upon the general anatomy of thisbird by Gabrod. From that paper we borrow the descrip-tion as well as the illustration. It will be seen from thatdrawing (fig. 48) that the trachea of the bird bifurcates, asdoes the trachea of a mammal, without any modification ofthe rings, either tracheal or bronchial. The latter are at firstcomplete rings ; it is not until the thirteenth or fourteenth—the exact position appears to vary—that the syrinx appears;here the rings cease to be complete rings, and are semi-rings, their inner ends