. La structure et la classification des oiseaux . ^ il n'y a qu'un tendon de la brevis, d'où, tout comme il passe au-dessus de l'extenseur du bras avant, le plus émergepour une branche avant existe; de cette branche se pose le ventre musculaire aspecial du métacarpi de l'extenseur (cf. Pétrels). Il y a un ventilateur nopatagial, mais un collecteur spécialisé, trouvé dans tous les autres membres de la famille (et aussi dans Larusargentatus), va du tendon de thelongus au côté op-posite de l'avant-bras à celui sur lequel le ventilateur patagial, lorsqu'il est présent, est inséré. Dans Brachyrhamphusmarmoratus trois separateet tendons parallèles arisefro
1390 x 1798 px | 23,5 x 30,4 cm | 9,3 x 12 inches | 150dpi
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. The structure and classification of birds . ^ There is but one brevis tendon, from which—just as itpasses over the extensor of the fore arm—the merest apologyfor a forward branch exists;from this branch arises aspecial muscular belly ofthe extensor metacarpi (cf.Petrels). There is nopatagial fan, but a specialslip, found in all the othermembers of the family (andalso occurring in Larusargentatus), runs from thelongus tendon to the op-posite side of the fore armto that upon which thepatagial fan, when present, is inserted. In Brachyrhamphusmarmoratus three separateand parallel tendons arisefrom tensor patagii brevis muscle, of which the anterior isthe strongest and alone passes to the ulna. From a smallwristward slip arise a few fibres of the extensor metacarpi, asin the last species. There is no patagial fan, but an ulnar slip, which gives off a branch running back to the humerus. InUria columba there is the same. In Lunda cirrhata there are but slight differences; thetwo most anterior of the brevis tendons cross the extensor. Fio. 175.—Tensobes Patagii of Cerato-rhina monocerata (ArTER Beddaed fkomForbes). Not figured at all by Garkod in a MS. sketch. For various details in anatomy of soft parts see Beddakd, On the Anatomyof a Grebe (Mchmophorus major), with Remarks upon the Classification ofsome of the Schizognathous Birds, P. Z. S. 1896, p. 538. 362 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS muscles and reach ulna, but they cross it as a .single diffuseband formed by their fusion. Ceratorhina monocerata has a slight patagial fan, as wellas ulnar slip ; otherwise it is like the last. Fratercula arctica has only two hrevis tendons, upon theanterior of which, at the origin of the patagial fan, is anossicle. The biceps slip is present in Alcidse, but is generally, ifnot always, peculiar. Thus in Alca tarda it is inserted partlyon to patagial membrane, partly on to inner of two brevistendons {not longus tendon). In Lunda cirrhata it arises tendiaously and joins inner