2424 x 1527 px | 41 x 25,9 cm | 16,2 x 10,2 inches | 150dpi
Date de la prise de vue:
Informations supplémentaires:
Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
List of American Yacht Club Flags - United States Yacht Club Ensign - Albany, Albany N.Y - American, New York - Atlantic, Brooklyn N.Y - Baltimore, Baltimore. M.D - Beverly, Beverly. Mass - Biscayne Bay, Biscayne Bay FLA - Boston, Boston. Mass - Brooklyn, Brooklyn. N.Y - Brown University, Providence. R.I - Buffalo, Buffalo - California, San Francisco Cal - Canarsie, Long Island. N.Y - Calorina. N.C, Wrightsville Sound - Carolina. S.C., Charleston. S.C - Chesapeake Bay, Easton. M.D - Cleveland, Cleveland. Ohio - Columbia, New York - Corinthian, New York - Corinthian, Marblehead. Mass - Corinthian, Philadelphia - Corinathian Mosquito Fleet, New York - Dorchester, Dorchester. Mass - Harlem, New York - Hempstead Bay, Elder Island. N.Y - Hudson River, New York - Hull, Hull. Mass - Illini, St. Louis. Mo - Indian Harbor, Greenwich. Conn - Jeffries, Boston. Mass - Jersey City, Jersey City. N.Y - Kennebunkport, Kennebunkport. M.E. Artist/engraver/cartographer: McCorquodale & Co Ltd, London NW. Provenance: "Lloyd's Register of Yachts"; Containing particulars and Distinguishing Flags of Yachts & Motor Boats. Type: Antique lithographic colour print.