Le faucon déploie ses ailes de trois pieds BATSFORD, ANGLETERRE DES IMAGES INCROYABLES montrent un faucon sacker qui s'envole dans le ciel du Royaume-Uni.les images montrent le danger
The falcon spreads its three-foot wings BATSFORD, ENGLAND INCREDIBLE IMAGES show a Saker Falcon soaring through the UK skies.Images show the endangered Saker Falcon spreading its three foot wings as it effortlessly glides. The Saker Falcon is a large species of falcon. This species breeds from central Europe eastwards across the Palearctic to Manchuria. It is mainly migratory except in the southernmost parts of its range, wintering in Ethiopia, the Arabian peninsula, northern Pakistan and western China. The saker falcon is the second fastest bird in level flight after the white-throated needletail swift, capable of reaching 93 mph. It is also the third fastest animal in the world overall. These images were taken by Dispatch Controller James Poole (27) from Wolverhampton, England. James captured the images at Cotswold Falconry Centre, Batsford England. ?As I'm a massive birds of prey fan, seeing the Saker Falcon perform over the Cotswold skies was a treat. ?The weather was perfect for the predator to show off its skills. ?Some of the passes were unreal as they happened in the blink of an eye.? ENDS