. Le journal technique de Bell System . / 10 20 50 TEMPS EN MICROSECONDES FIG. 27—la dépendance du temps de récupération sur la température ambiante pour le tube 721A et la jonction ATR afin de minimiser l'effet. Néanmoins, l'effectis important et ne doit pas être négligé. Perte de faible niveau. Une analyse de la perte de faible niveau doit prendre en compte deux composantes de la perte, la première résultant de la perte de puissance dans la cavitésTR elle-même et la seconde résultant du fait qu'une certaine puissance sera absorbée par la branche émettrice du système. Les relations existant entre le bas niveau
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. The Bell System technical journal . / 10 20 50 TIME IN MICROSECONDS Fig. 27—The dependence of the recovery time on the ambient temperature for the 721A tube and the ATR junction so as to minimize the effect. Nevertheless the effectis important and should not be overlooked. Low-Level Loss. An analysis of the low-level loss must take into accounttwo components of loss, the first resulting from power loss in the TR cavityitself and the second resulting from the fact that some power will alwaysbe absorbed by the transmitting branch of the system. The relationships existing between the low-level loss adjustment of a TRbox and its other performance characteristics have already been discussed.One aspect of the problem, not previously considered, has to do with thedependence of the performance on the Q of the cavity. This is clearly shownin Fig. 15 which has already been referred to in a different connection. Fromthis aspect, at least, the higher the Q of the tube and its associated cavity the 76 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL. 10 20 50 TIME IN MICROSECONDS Fig. 28—The variation in recovery time with hfe for a typical 721A tube 0 J r- / / y/ / o / / ^ / / ^y^ / / J ^— o TUBE CONTAINING / // / ( / , ^ TUBE CONTAINING HYDROGEN AND t ^/ HYDROGEN ONLY WATER VAPOR V^ // y / te! / / / // // / / / // // / / /// / / / / // ?A / / (-/ P Y y // / / / / / //// 4 6 TIME IN MICROSECONDS Fig. 29—The variation in recovery time with gas content for the 724B tube GAS-DISCBARGE TRANSMIT-RECEIVE SWITCH 77 better the over-all performance of the system.* Any basic improvement inQ can be reflected either in a lowering of the leakage power or in a reductionof the low-level loss, as may be desired. Variations in the Q between tubes used in a given cavity of fixed design, are, however, seen as variations in the low-level loss only and have no 5 12o / -^ ^ NORMALATR / / x!^ DEFECTIVEATR / / / / / / / 4 6 ( TIME IN MICROSECONDS Fig. 30—The ATR recovery effect noticeable efifect on the leakag