. Le journal technique de Bell System . J .-* O O O--r+^ f* O O O O O (VrHodcHO ^ddOrHOOOOOOOOOOOO 12.96 16.96 9.52 16.43 6.88 21.42 8.05 11.97 27.46 5.81 5.44 0.31 5.99 1. T Q ITA tfc< ; C3 O Z OW & lt ; f) Fig. 32. — arrangcinenl de lignes à ressources partagées multi-alternatives à Murray Hill—6 (New York) bureau local no 1 de la traverse. THÉORIES POUR L'INGÉNIERIE DE LA CIRCULATION À PÉAGE AUX ÉTATS-UNIS A. 477 PROBABILITÉ D'ÉCOULEMENT). La variance de cette portion de dépassement de dépassement XBTa été estimée en lui attribuant le même rapport de variance-à-moyenne a été trouvé pour la charge totale dépassant le OST. En soustrayant les variances de meansansand
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. The Bell System technical journal . J .-* O O O--r+^ f* O OO O (VrHodcHO ^ddOrHOOOOOOOOOO 12.96 16.96 9.52 16.43 6.88 21.42 8.05 11.97 27.46 5.81 5.44 0.31 5.99 1. T Q Ita. tfc< C3 O Z OW < f) Fig. 32. — Multi-alternate route trunking arrangcinenl at Murray Hill—6 (New York) local No. 1 crossbar office. THEORIES FOR TOLL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING IN THE U. S. A. 477 flow probability). The variance of this overflow portion by-passing XBTwas estimated by assigning to it the same variance-to-average ratio aswas found for the total load overflowing the OST. Subtracting the meansand variances so estimated for all items by-passing XBT, left an approxi-mate load for XBT from each OST. Combining these corrected overflowsgave mean and variance values for offered load to XBT, Observed values Table VIII - -Sum of Loads Overflowing OSTs Theory Observed Avftraere 26.64 58.42 25.92 Variance 61.32 Table IX — Load Offered to Crossbar Tandem I Average.Variance Theory 25.1847.67 Observed 25.5156.10 0.10 r -RANDOM TRAFFIC -THROWDOWN. , --NEGATIVE BINOMIAL to 20 30 40 50 n = NUMBER OF SIMULTANEOUS CALLS P^n THEORY OBSD 1.0 I —-—-^ .^^^ ( ) ( ) ^X AVG 25.18 25.51 0.8 ^V VAR 47.67 56.10 0.6 VS. 0.4 0.2 0 , , 10 20 30 40 50 n = NUMBER OF SIMULTANEOUS CALLS Fig. 33 — Distribution of load offered to crossbar tandem trunks; negative bi-nomial theory versus throwdown observations. THEORIES FOR TOLL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING IN THE U. S. A. 477 flow probability). The variance of this overflow portion by-passing XBTwas estimated by assigning to it the same variance-to-average ratio aswas found for the total load overflowing the OST. Subtracting the means and variances so estimated for all items by-passing XBT, left an approxi-mate load for XBT from each OST. Combining these corrected overflowsgave mean and variance values for offered load to XBT, Observed values Table VIII - - Sum OF Loa Ds Overflowing OSTs Theory Observed Average Variance 26.64 58.42 25.9261.32 Table IX . — Load Offer