Le Luxembourg et ses voisins, un enregistrement de l'avenir politique de l'actuel Grand-duché de la veille de la Révolution française à la grande guerre, avec un croquis préliminaire des événements de 963 à 1780 . reements suite à l'acte final en 1815,1816, 1817, et 1820. La Prusse était l'guardianof ce bastion dans nom du Con-fédération à laquelle le Grand-Duché a été arbi-trarily attaché. Avec la dissolution du theDeutsches Bund, il était évident que la Prusse plus hadnothing à représenter. Du moins, c'est Louis Napoléon theway regardé. Le Luxembourg n'étaitpas dans le nouveau Bund, et su
1415 x 1766 px | 24 x 29,9 cm | 9,4 x 11,8 inches | 150dpi
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Luxemburg and her neighbours, a record of the political fortunes of the present Grand Duchy from the eve of the French Revolution to the great war, with a preliminary sketch of events from 963 to 1780 . reements subsequent to the final act—in 1815, 1816, 1817, and 1820. Prussia was the guardianof that stronghold in behalf of the German Con-federation to which the Grand Duchy was arbi-trarily attached. With the dissolution of theDeutsches Bund, it was obvious that Prussia hadnothing more to represent. At least, that was theway Louis Napoleon looked at it. Luxemburg wasnot in the new Bund, and such being the case, why should Prussian troops be allowed to nestlesecurely so near to the French frontier? Hewished for their withdrawal, but, more than that, he wished for Luxemburg itself. The demand wasthe last remnant of much more ambitious designsof expansion eastward. His dream dated fromthe moment when he felt himself fairly secureupon his uncles throne. The cession of Savoyand Nice had been enormously satisfactory forFrance. That his desires turned toward theRhine and the frontiers of 1814 was naturalenough, and Bismarcks need to work uncheckedwas one reason why the Emperor of the French. The Designs of Louis Napoleon 339 was allowed to cherish the hope that his visionmight be realized by a peaceful exchange ofvalues. Long before the Schleswig-Holstein embroglioenabled Prussia to launch out her own annexationpoHcy boldly, Bismarck was inclined to displaya little inexpensive friendship toward LouisNapoleon. He was quite willing to count it afact of political moment were he (Napoleon IIL)to aspire to the honour of calling upon our mostgracious Sovereign before calling on any otherreigning personage. These phrases were writtenby Bismarcks own hand in 1856. And for tenyears he pursued a conciliatory policy.^ He didnot know how far he could bring Prussia on thepath he had projected, and while he was feelinghis way from one point to another, he flattered theEmperor. He had no