sunshine, casually dressed, copyspace, bliss, movement, life style, photograph, excitement, hands up, grin, teenaged girl, sunlight, foreground, heat, move, tall grass, euphoria, bare feet, look, countryside, raised arms, outside, pleasure, carry, hand up, optimistic, enjoyment, part, arms up, delight, open field, hands in the air, summertime, sun hat, exciting, barefeet, arms outstretched, arms raised, bare foot, warmth, enthusiasm, illuminate, extend, sportswear, positive thinking, carried, hands in air, illumination, joyful, summer time, enthusiastic, arm up, arms in the air, care free, one teenager, exhilarate, extension, arms open, 16 year old, arm raised, lit, frock, arms out, 16, cheery, extended, extending, looking at, outstretched arms, daytime, casual clothes, arms stretched out, sixteen, back lit, overjoyed, optimist, hand in air, hand in the air, exuberance, lit up, joyous, illuminating, delightful, partial, raised arm, raising arms, barefooted, brunet, action shot, arm in air, 16 years, 16 years old, 17-18, looking at the camera, exhileration, exhiliration, hands up in the air, grinning, exhilaration, insouciance, model released, 17-18 year, 16-17, arm in the air, alight, 16 year, blank space, background in focus, enjoyable, cloudless, space for copy, pleasing, speed effects, straw-hat, stretched out, three quarters view, teenage girls only, pleasurable, Radius Images, space in foreground, raising arm, color picture, color white, dark haired, day time, cheerfulness, backlit photo, bare footed, care-free, back lit photo, arms up in the air, 16-17 year, 16 to 17, 16 to 17 year, 16 to 17 year old, 16 to 17 years, 16 to 17 years old, 17-18 years old, 16-17 years old, 17 to 18, 17 to 18 year, 17 to 18 year old, 17 to 18 years, 17 to 18 years old, moving activity, one person only, one teenage girls only, only one person, outstretching arms, model release, long-haired, exhilarated, exhillarating, expressing positivity, exhilirating, Federal Republic of Germany, hand up in the air