. Livre du bleu royal . o dépendent du temps qu'il prendra pour terminer la pratique cible, mais il est ex-pected la flotte aura terminé ce travail d'ici avril 25 et arrivera à la baie de SanFVancisco le 1er mai. La flottille de torpille a quitté les HamptonRoads le 2 décembre. En raison de la plus grande vitesse, le tirant et le petit tonnage plus limités les destroyers de torpille-bateau s'arrêtent à un plus grand nombre d'endroits que les grands bataillons. Leur séjour à chaque port sera d'environ quatre ou cinq jours. L'itin-erary envisage leur arrivée aux lieux vari-ous comme suit: Pernambuco, Januarv 5; Rio de
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. Book of the Royal blue . o are dependent on the time it will taketo complete the target practice, but it is ex-pected the fleet will have concluded this work by April 25 and will arrive at SanFVancisco Bay on May 1. The torpedo boat flotilla left HamptonRoads on December 2. Because of theirgreater speed, more limited draft and smallertonnage the torpedo-boat destroyers willstop at a greater number of places than thebig battleships. Their stay at each portwill be about four or five days. The itin-erary contemplates their arrival at the vari-ous places as follows: Pernambuco, Januarv 5; Rio de Jan-eiro, January 15; Montevideo, Januarj 25;Punta Arenas, February 8; lalcahuana, February 2U; Callao, March 4; Panama, March 16; Acapulco, March 28; Magda-lena Bay, April 6. As in the case of thebattleship fleet, the dates of departure fromMagdalena Bay and arrival at San FVanciscoare dependent upon completion of targetpractice in the bay. On December 16. the day before AdmiralI.vans and his fleet of Id battleships put to. THE GRE.riEsT X.HJE CRl/SE O/ HISTORY. sea, Irt-sidfiit Ri)oseelt steamed down thePotomac on the MayHower to review therteet as it passed out Hampton Roads. ThePresident wislied them yood luck and a safejourney. When that irreat Heet will return;ind by what route no one knows, nor isanyone in authority willing to make a pre-diction. The vessels will be put through innumer-able maneuvers by Admiral Evans while onthis journey, and on some portions of thetrip conditions of war will be simulated anddrills engasied in that will test the efficiencyof both officers and crew. One of the reasons ascribed by NavyDepartment officials for the mobilization ofthe two big fleets in the Pacific is that itwill give opportunity for Admiral Evans to realize a desire he has cherished for a longtime—to go through battle tactics with thelargest possible force of modern warships.This will give him opportunity to see whatthe big armored cruisers, which are largerthan any of the