Livres précieux ! Il il 4" édition 1902 Tous les navires de combat par FRED T. JANE Price $5.00 publiez gratuitement maintenant prêt. Modern Machine Shop Tools leur Construction Exploitation et manipule. lation y compris les deux main et machines-outils. Par O. H. VANDERVOORT M. E. Price $4.00. Meurt LEUR CONSTRUCTION ET L'utilisation de la feuille de travail modernes des métaux. Par JOSEPH C. WOODWORTH Octavo. Chiffon. Très bien illustré. Prix $3.00 services postpayés. Recuit trempe trempe et de forge de l'ACIER PAR JOSEPH C. VALEUR BOIS auteur de 'DIES leur construction et utilisation de l'essence et gaz.' Par GAIFIDNER. D. M. HISCOX E
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Valuable Books! it it 4' 1902 EDITION All the World's Fighting Ships By FRED T. JANE Price $5.00 post free NOW READY. Modern Machine Shop Tools Their Construction Operation and Maniple. lation Including Both Hand and Machine Tools. By W. H. VANDERVOORT M. E. Price $4.00. DIES THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND USE For the Modern Working of Sheet Metals. By JOSEPH V. WOODWORTH Octavo. Cloth. Very Fully Illustrated. Price $3.00 Postpaid. HARDENING TEMPERING ANNEALING and FORGING OF STEEL By JOSEPH V. WOOD WORTH Author of 'DIES Their Construction and Use.' GAS GASOLINE AND By GAIFIDNER. D. HISCOX M. E. Horseless Vehicles Automobiles and Motor Cycles Operated by Steam Hydro-Carbon Electric and Pneumatic Motors By GARDNER D. HISCOX M. E. Price $3.00 New 1903 Models 'Cossack' 'j $10.75 &ea OYOLE CO. THE TURNER BRASS WORKS LONDON PARIS DRESDEN SYDNEY BARKER MOTORS Launches Valves Specialties. 'Who flax the right time ?' ELG IN TIME every time DRINK PURE WATER Berkefeld Filter BERKEFELD FILTER CO. FRICTION DISK DRILL FOR LIGHT WORK. 'Morlock' Runabout MORLOCK AUTOMOBILE MFG. CO. Inc. Buffal N. Y. U. S. A. Now to Paint a House Cheap And Have it Guaranteed to Look Better Wear Longer and Cost Less Than the Best White Lead Paints. Never Fades Cracks Chalks Peels or Blisters and Is Not Affected by Bases. Fifty Sample Colors and Illustrated Booklet Prepaid t Any Address Absolutely Free. and barn outbuildings and fences Is a heavy burden. Cheap paints white lead and oil costs so much and has to be replaced so often that It Is a constant expense to keep the bright clean appearance 10 desirable in the cozy cottage home or the elegant mansion. Pennsylvania R. R. Co.; Pull Man Palace Car Co.; Chicago Carrara is used because it lasts longer neverfades never cracks more surface than the highest priced paints and costs less than the cheap mixed paints that in jure instead of protect. There is but one Carrara. It is made by the Carrara Faint Agency Gen send for 50 free sample colors and our handsome